Friday, August 29, 2014

Darvel: Victim or Instigator

Okay, so here the video! I made it at the last minute because I put it off all week... SO basically we made this at twelve this morning. I know my sister was tired, and I might have been, sooo... Sorry if it's weird, or if it makes no sense. XD I don't know about my sister, but this one was hard because honestly I'm not on one side or another. I'm pretty sure we were both in the middle. Anyways... Here it is!

What do you think? Victim, Instigator, or somewhere in between?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

An Interesting Scene

Alright... So, I meant to post yesterday, but I got distracted... Kind of like last week, so at least I'm consistent, right? Anyways, I was having trouble picking a scene for Darvel because I'm pretty sure I've already posted most of my favorite scenes with him. So I decided that this time I'm posting a scene that I like because it kind of shows me that Darvel never changes. He's not exactly the center of attention all throughout the scene, (and as far as I know, I've never posted this one...) So I'll start by giving a very small explanation of the characters that you probably don't know about.

Corin: You might know about him, but... He's a doctor who at one point help Dawn and Quest break Bryin out of a dungeon. Since then he's appeared in different places and at the moment (meaning during the fourth book) he, Dawn, and Quest are gathering information about people who were attacking their kingdom.

Calix: He's a pirate. Hayrig, the captain of the crew, met Bryin and the rest (because I'm too lazy to list everyone else...) and agreed to sail them to the kingdom suspected of attacking them. Along the way Calix talked a lot with Bryin, and they became friends.

Kylee: Kylee is the queen of a kingdom currently in war with the 'evil' kingdom. Terrible description, I know. But that's what I'm sticking with.

So, that should be everyone... And finally here's the scene.

“Fine. Fine…” Darvel said, relaxing back in his bed. “Do it your way. But I’ll have you know, I’ll starve to prove my point. Are you prepared to deal with that?”
            “I don’t know, Darvel.” Corin said, shaking his head. “I have to go down to the throne room, otherwise I would find out right now. But here’s an idea, you haven’t been out of the room for a while, how about you head down to the meeting with me?”
            Darvel took a moment to think about it, then swung his legs off the bed.
            “Fine. Whatever. I’ll do it if it means I get to leave this stupid room, but have fun dragging me back in here.” Darvel started to walk out the door, and Corin studied his back meticulously. It was covered in long cuts from a knife, or Corin guessed that’s what had made them.
            Probably tried torture and when it didn’t work reverted to the drugs… Corin shook his head and followed after Darvel, thankful he didn’t see any signs of infection in the boy’s wounds.
            “Darvel, are you sure you don’t want to put a shirt on first? I would feel better about your back if you did… An infection would be a painful thing.”
            “It would make you feel better?” Darvel asked as he stopped. Even though he stopped, he didn’t turn to look at Corin as he spoke.
            “Yes, Darvel, it would. I am on your side after all. I’m only trying to help.”
            Darvel snorted at Corin and then continued to walk away.
            “Well, then. If it’s what you would want, I’m not doing it!” There was an obvious smile in Darvel’s voice, and Corin shook his head. He was starting to wonder if Darvel and Bryin were really two separate people, or if maybe they were truly one and the same.
            As Darvel walked, Corin hurried to catch up, especially after the realization that Darvel had absolutely no idea where he was going, even if he walked like he did.
            Once he managed to steer Darvel in the right direction, Darvel continued his fast pace until finally he barged into the throne room without waiting for anyone. Corin winced slightly as he knew it would please queen Kylee if they had been announced first, but now… There was nothing to do but go after Darvel.
            “Sorry, Queen Kylee.” Corin said, running a hand through his hair. “I tried to stop him, but—“
            “You didn’t try to stop me,” Darvel said with a scowl.
            “Yes, I did.” Corin said sounding out the words carefully. “Couldn’t you hear me calling you from down the hall?”
            “Oh, that’s what you were doing…” Darvel said, a grin slowly spreading over his face. “I thought you were yelling at yourself, so I tuned you out…”
            Kylee and Calix had been in a discussion, but now they watched Corin and Darvel with tilted heads.
            “You… You’re not Bryin…” Calix said, approaching Darvel almost cautiously.
            “Oh, glad you noticed. Don’t you just hate it when people mistake you for your older, better, twin brother?” Darvel asked sarcastically.
            “No, definitely not Bryin…” Calix mused to himself. “But I see Bryin did what he came here to do. And I knew he could.” Calix nodded to himself, allowing a small smile of pride to show. “Where is Bryin anyway?”
            Corin looked at the ground.
            “Calix, you haven’t heard yet?”
            “I wanted him to hear it from someone who had actually been there." Kylee said, nodding for Corin to go ahead.
            “Oh, well—“ Corin started before he was interrupted by Darvel.
            “He’s not here. Apparently the crazy people who had me got a hold of him, and now… Well, Corin here thinks poor Bryin doesn’t stand a chance… For all we know, Bryin is dead. Shall we have a moment of silence for him?”
            Calix clenched his fist, clearly annoyed by Darvel.
            “Look, kid. I don’t care that you’re Bryin’s brother. Never, ever, talk about him like that again, got it?”
            “Ooh, touchy.” Darvel yawned, now bored with the conversation.
            “Don’t you even care that he’s your brother?” Calix asked in disbelief.
            “Don’t you even care that I don’t even know who my brother is?” Darvel retorted. “I saw him one time, and he almost impaled me with a sword. Not exactly a great first impression in my book.”
            Calix looked confused, and Corin took the chance of the silence to get in between Calix and Darvel.
            “Darvel doesn't remember anything.” Corin explained. “He… Went through a lot while in the kingdom of Adesh, so don’t be so hard on him, alright?”
            “Oh no,” Davel said, pushing Corin aside. “Let him be hard on me. In fact, what will you do if I told you that I actually hate my brother? A part of me really hopes those people of Adesh kill him. From what I hear of him, it’ll do the world a big favor!”
            “Huh.” Quest said as he and Dawn entered the room. “I guess some things never change. You’re a real piece of work, Darvel. You know that?”
            “No, I don’t.” Darvel said, turning to glare in their direction. “But what I do know is that maybe when you and your girlfriend want to talk about someone, it’s best not to do it right in front of their room, huh? And maybe, juusst maybe, when you do go ahead and gossip about people, you shouldn't do it for the whole world to hear!”
            Quest blinked at Darvel.
            “I can’t believe Bryin saved you after everything you've done to him…”
            “Same here.” Darvel agreed. “But maybe that’s because I can’t remember anything!”
            “I also can’t believe that you still want your brother dead even after you've lost your memory. That’s ridiculous, and it tells me that people like you, they don’t change. They can’t.”
            Darvel just shook his head. He was done talking. He had reached the point where he just wanted to rip Quest’s head from his body and send it rolling across the floor. Clenching his fists, he launched himself at Quest, and Quest stood his ground.
            Luckily Corin had seen Darvel tense up, and before the two boys had a chance to even begin the fight, Corin grabbed Darvel and shoved him in the opposite direction.
            “That’s it!” Corin said, losing his usual calm manner. “Quest, you are out of line.”
            Corin held up a hand to stop Quest’s defensive argument.
            “No, no excuses.” Corin took a deep breath. “You absolutely cannot come barging in here mouthing off to every person who upsets you.”
            “It wasn’t every person! It was that—”
            “Quest!” Corin snapped before the name calling and fight could resume. “What kind of a king do you think you will make if this behavior continues? Trust me, it won’t be a very good one.”
            “Man…” Darvel muttered from the floor where he had fallen. “You sure expect people to trust you a lot, don’t you?”
            “And you!” Corin said, rounding on Darvel. “I will not tolerate this from you. At. All.”
            “Yeah?” Darvel asked in a challenging tone. He stood up and glared at Corin. “Well I certainly won’t tolerate you.
            Corin shook his head.
            “I don’t care Darvel. You can act big and tough, but you’re still a boy. And as of this moment I’m in charge and you’re going to listen to me whether you like it or not.”
            Darvel scowled. He opened his mouth to reply, but instead of saying something he moaned and grabbed his head.
            “Darvel…” Corin said worriedly. “Are you alright? Maybe we should take you back to your room and—”
            “I’m… F-f-fine.” Darvel growled. He stood as tall as he could, back straight. Slowly he dropped his hands to his sides, and if it weren’t for the pain evident on his face, he would have appeared fine.
            “No, Darvel.” Corin said softly. “I think it’s time for you to go back to the room to rest.” Turning to Quest, he frowned. “And because of your behavior, you can go back to your room until our meeting is done.”
            Quest’s face reddened. He was angry, and not just with Corin. He was also mad at Darvel. But taking a deep breath, Quest reigned in his temper.
            “Yes, Corin.” Quest said quietly. Then, without another word, he turned and stomped out.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Next up: Darvel

I know I don't really post a whole lot about Darvel on my blog, but here's an interview with him. He's one of my favorite characters, about even with Bryin. :D And since it's Cloaklover's birthday, I'm going to let her do the interview! Happy Birthday Cloak!!! :D


Me: Hello, Darvel! How are you?

Darvel: Why am I doing this?

Me: Because your author wants you to.

Darvel: Yeah. But my author is stupid so what's your point?

Me: Never mind... You didn't answer my question. How are you?

Darvel: How are you...? Not that I care... I'm just trying to distract you from your stupid questions.

Me:  I'm fine but we're not talking about me. What is your favorite color?

Darvel: If you must know it's red, like the color of Bryin's blood as it's dripping off my dagger.

Me: That's... Great...

Darvel: Isn't it? Hopefully I can kill Bryin soon since my stupid author hasn't let me do it yet...

Me: Let's say you do kill him. What will you do if you become king?

Darvel: Strengthen my armies and take over other kingdoms.

Me: So you want to rule Panin? Or just have control over a lot of other kingdoms?

Darvel: I don't want to control all of Panin, just a small piece of it.

Me: Mmmm... So your power hungry, just not for a whole planet.

Darvel: I'm not power hungry! I just think things would run better if I was in charge.

Me: Power hungry and pompous. *Mumbles* Sure glad Bryin's the one getting the kingdom...

Darvel:  *Frowns and glares* You know what? I don't have to answer any more of your stupid questions! At least my author didn't exactly insult me in her interviews!

Me: That's because she was to busy getting insulted by you.

Darvel: *Shuts his mouth tightly and gives Cloak the silent treatment*

Me: Well I was done anyways.... Even If I wasn't you're acting too much like Bryin and being uncooperative.


Well, there's Cloak's interview with Darvel. Now I have to find a favorite scene to post... Hopefully I'll be on time this week, but knowing me... It'll depend on how lazy I'm feeling. >.< Anyways, thanks for reading!

Special P.S. for Cloak:

Bryin: Happy Birthday! I don't really know you, but my author thinks you're annoying, so you must not be that bad!

Darvel: I don't like you...

Bryin: Ooh, and thanks for annoying Darvel for me! *High Five*

Friday, August 22, 2014


Soo, here's the video! I'm acting like a huge dork, so if it's possible just ignore me. ;) Lol, so  without further rambling, my video...

What do you guys think? Is Sage as boring as I sometimes imagine, or is he made more interesting and entertaining by his serious personality? Let me know your thoughts!

Bryin: I do not approve of that video because it had almost nothing to do with me...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Favorite Scene Starring Sage

Sooo... I actually meant to post this yesterday but I'm lazy and I forgot, so here's my favorite scene with Sage. I've never really done editing on it, so sorry if it's really bad...

“Hi, Sage.” Bryin said as he sat down. “How are you feeling?”

“Why are you inquiring about my health?” Sage asked with a confused glance at Bryin.

“Well,” Bryin said with a shrug, “because it’s what friends do.”

Sage frowned at this.

“What on Panin gave you the idea we were friends?”

            “I gave myself the idea. I decided we were friends right now.”

            “We are not friends,” Sage said shaking his head. “I do not have time for friends.”

“And why not?” Bryin asked with a small frown. “I mean I’m pretty busy too, doing… Um, stuff to avoid working, but I still have time for friends.”

Sage raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, well, I have actual work, that I intend to finish with, because unlike you, I am not a moron who believes that all orders are bad.”

“Alright,” Bryin said with a sigh, “first, I’m going to ignore that fact that you are calling me stupid once again. Secondly, I don’t believe orders are bad. And thirdly, you can work, and still have time for friends Sage. Friendship is about getting to know a person by talking to them, and learning to like them.”

“Friendship involves learning?” Sage asked, sounding slightly more interested.

Bryin nodded.

“Friendship involves a lot of learning. First you have to learn to like the person you’re talking with, and then you have to learn to like the things they’re interested in. See? Friendship is a lot more complicated than you thought, huh? Hm, maybe you’re not ready to figure out how to be friends…” Bryin said, patting Sage on the head. “It’s alright though, Sage. You’ll be ready when you’re older.”

Sage’s mouth gaped open and he crossed his arms.

“I am ready!” Sage insisted. “I am smarter than one hundred clones of you put together, so if you can figure out friendship, then I can master it!”

Bryin bite his lip as he tried to keep from grinning at Sage.

“Alright, if you say so.” Bryin said with a self-satisfied pleasure. “But first things first, Sage. You also have to learn not to insult your friends, even if they are complete idiots.”

“Oh,” said Sage with a small frown, “in that case, I apologize for the immaturity that led me to insult you multiple times. I assure you I will not let that be the case ever again.”

This time Bryin let himself grin.

“That’s a good goal, Sage,” Bryin said with a chuckle, “but don’t be so serious about all this. You’re so formal for a six year old. Loosen up a bit, kid.”

Sage stiffened at Bryin’s words.

“I am six years, six months and six days old…” Sage let his voice fade away as he received an almost disapproving glance from Bryin. “Am I doing something wrong?”

Bryin broke out in a smile, and shook his head.

“No, I just told you to loosen up, and then you went and did the complete opposite thing that I told you to do. That’s what I usually do. It’s my thing, okay Sage?” Bryin said teasingly. “I disobey the orders and you act super logical and cute. Don’t get those mixed up again.”

“Oh,” Sage replied seriously, “I apologize for forgetting my place. I shall try harder next time.”

“Sage, I was kidding!”              

Sage’s features contorted into a deep scowl as he thought about Bryin’s previous words.

“You know,” Sage said, shaking his head, “for one who dislikes orders to the extreme, you certainly are bossy.”

Bryin crossed his arms.

“Hey, what did I say about insulting people?”

Sage shrugged.

“I am not entirely sure, but I am almost positive that it was another order…” Sage slowly started grinning playfully, and Bryin realized Sage was just joking around like he had been only a few seconds ago.

“Well,” Bryin exclaimed happily, “I think we’re making progress!”

Tomorrow hopefully, I'll post the video.

Monday, August 18, 2014

A Look At Sage

So, probably on Friday I'll post the video of my sister and I discussing Sage. Until then I'll post a character interview, and a short scene or story involving him. Today is the interview.


Me: So before I say anything else, I might as well get it out of the way. Yes, Sage, I am your author. Yes, I do, or should know all of this, but you're going to tell me anyways for the sake of the readers. Understand?

Sage: Well, seeing as I am the character, how should I know if I understand? I believe only you can answer that question for me.

Me: Ugh. Sage, we're not doing this right now. I definitely know for a fact that you understand.

Sage: Oh? And how is it that you obtained this knowledge?

Me: What? What kind of a question is that? I'm the author and I created you, that's how.

Sage: Interesting... So what do you do when you are not busy writing?

Me: Um, well... A lot I guess... Hey! Wait a minute, I'm the one asking the questions, you don't get to turn this around on me. Now, what's your idea of perfect happiness?

Sage: Knowledge. People believe that knowledge is power, but I also believe that it can be happiness as well. That is why I intend to strive to know everything.

Me: What's your greatest fear?

Sage: I fear the lack of knowledge and injustice. Both problems could be solved rather easily, but I find that they are not. Why is that?

Me: I don't know, but you're still not the one who gets to ask me things. Where do you see yourself being in ten to twenty years?

Sage: I am currently six, and for the sake of simplicity I will just leave it at that. In ten years I will be sixteen for all those simpletons who cannot add properly. I see myself traveling Panin discovering things, but of course at sixteen I will most likely have already discovered at least ten things, and have become famous for them.

Me: Well... If you say so... So in general, how do you treat others?

Sage: I would like to think I treat everyone the same. I prefer to be firm, and possibly polite when the situation calls for it, but if it doesn't I don't mind sounding rude by saying something if it needs to be said.

Me: Who is the most important person in your life?

Sage: Well... I've never thought about it, but I guess that would be Bryin. He took me in and rescued me from slavery, and he calls me his brother even though we are not related by blood. I feel indebted to him in a way.

Me: Hmm... Name three things you're good at and three things you're bad at.

Sage: That is not a question, my dear author.

Me: I know that! Just tell me your answer anyways.

Sage: Fine, if you are going to be temperamental about it... I am great at being smart, researching things, and I am a fast learner. I am bad at... Being stupid. Honestly, I am quiet brilliant so I believe I would find it hard to be such a simpleton. And I do not have to list two other things because really I am amazing at most things.

Me: Riiighhht... So I think we'll end here...  Just because you're getting a big head...


So, there's a little character interview on Sage! Next I'll be posting a short scene or something.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Something New...

Okaaaay! So, I'm going to try something new on here. I'm going to try and post every few days, the first day I'll post an interview with a specific character, then I'll post my favorite scene involving that character, and finally, maybe on Fridays, I'll post a video of my and one (or more) of my sisters discussing a certain main point concerning that character! Let me know what you think of the idea, or the video, or both!

So, today I'm going to post all three since it's already Friday. :) The interview comes first!


Me: This is an interview with, guess who.... Bryin! Pretty predictable, right? So you know the drill Bryin.

Bryin: There's a drill what drill?

Me: Ah, never mind. So first question, how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?

Bryin: Ummm... I'm gonna go with anywhere from five to eight years old.

Me: And which is worse, failing or never trying?

Bryin: Failing is definitely worse. I mean, if you never try in the first place you'll never fail. Not to mention that I'd already know before trying that I would fail, so what's the point?

Me: So when it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?

Bryin: Definitely. That's mainly because I love talking and I'm lazy. It's just so much easier to sit around and run my mouth all day then to go out for a run or something like that. Although, that might get boring after a while... Hmm...

Me: And since this is a longish post, I'm going to cut the interview short. Besides, most of who (Whoever you are...) Might already know who Bryin is anyways.


And here's one of my favorite scenes with Bryin.... I call it, "The Gummy Bear Scene".

"Bryin," Dawn said firmly, "How long have you been awake?"

            "Two days," Bryin said only slightly louder, "And today is the third day."

            Quest sighed.

            Dawn looked curiously towards Bryin.

            "What exactly do you think I said to you?" She asked him.

            "Maybe I was just hearing things," Bryin sighed, "but it sounded like someone said, 'Hello, Bryin' and since there's no one else around I figured you had said something." Bryin shook his head. "You both think I'm crazy because I haven't had any sleep, right?"

            Both Dawn and Quest nodded.

            "Maybe I am," Bryin admitted.

            "Bryin," Dawn said kindly, "You just need some sleep and you'll be fine. If you're hearing any more voices let us know, ok?"

            Bryin nodded, knowing if the voice came back, he would keep it to himself.

            Quest nodded to Dawn and Bryin that they should keep moving, and all three urged their foulexes on.

            Bryin went back to examining his dagger, trying not to think about sleep, or him slowly losing his mind because he refused to sleep.

            Bryin, came the female voice again. Bryin asked himself if it would make him even more crazy to respond. Shrugging, Bryin decided that didn't really matter at the moment.

            Hello, Bryin thought hesitantly.

            It's been a while since we've talked.

            It has been, Bryin agreed. He wasn't really sure he had talked to this voice before, but he was going to play along with it anyways.

            I know you think you're going insane, the voice told him.

            How do you know that?

            Because I can read your thoughts. I also know you lost your memories of Panin, so allow me to explain a few things.

            Ok, Bryin thought, wondering just what the voice would tell him.

            First, you may very well be going insane from lack of sleep, but you aren't imagining my voice.

            Bryin chuckled to himself. Now the voice inside his head was going to try and convince him it was real.

            If I were a voice in someone's head, Bryin thought as his mind started to wonder, I would probably try to convince them I was real too.

            Bryin! The voice snapped inside his head.

            What? Bryin responded confused.

            You aren't listening to me. I told you I'm not just some voice your mind fabricated because of sleep deprivation. I'm Takfin.

            Takfin? Didn't Quest say something about Takfin?

            Yes, the voice agreed, Quest gave you this dagger and its name is Takfin.

            That’s right, Bryin recalled, and what did you say about Takfin?

            I am Takfin.

            Bryin started laughing, which earned him strange glanced from Dawn and Quest.

            Bryin ignored their stares and continued to chuckle at the fact the imaginary voice inside his head was now trying to tell him she was the dagger in his hands.

            Look, Bryin thought as he stopped laughing, I know you don’t understand this because you’re just some voice I invented, but you’re not real. You are just the sort of thing I would think of to pull a joke on myself.

            The voice made a sound close to a sigh.

            Bryin, your logic doesn’t make any sense. As the voice said this, Bryin pictured the owner of the voice shaking her head. That image put a smile on his lips. I am Takfin, the voice went on, still trying to convince Bryin. It’s very possible for me to be speaking to you at the moment. That’s because I am a magical dagger, and among communicating with certain people, I have a few other abilities as well.

            “Uh huh,” Bryin said out loud, “of course you say all this is just because of magic, and I’ll just pretend I agree with you.”

            As Bryin talked to no one, Dawn glanced sadly towards him.

            Bryin nodded as he received more words from the disembodied voice.

            “Oh, don’t try to argue with me,” Bryin said shaking his head. “I already said I believed you.” Bryin tilted his head to the side and sighed as he listened to the voice in his head. “Ok, ok, I’ll take all of that into consideration, but I really don’t…” Bryin’s voice faded away as he shoved his hand into one of his jean pockets.

            Although Bryin was wearing a shirt from Panin, he still had on his favorite pair of jeans from Earth.

            “What have I got in my pocket?” Bryin asked absentmindedly to no one. Smiling, Bryin pulled out two gummy bears from his pocket. “Where did you two come from?” Bryin almost sighed with relief as he received no answer from the gummy bears. “Hey,” Bryin said looking off into the distance, as if that was the direction the voice came from, “I just thought of something.”

            Bryin waited for an answer and laughed when it came.

            “I don’t really know, I just thought it would be hilarious.” Bryin said grinning. “I mean what if gummy bears could talk to me?” Bryin took a breath and said in a deep English accent, “You, for your crimes against Gummiopolis, are here by sentenced to be… Sacrificed!” Bryin then switched to a squeaky voice. “No, please, not sacrifice. I didn’t mean it. Surly there must be another way!” Bryin made a serious face towards the red gummy bear in his hand. In the deep English accent, Bryin continued, “There is no other way! You shall be sacrificed.” Bryin then started chanting in a whisper. “Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.” Getting louder with each word Bryin lifted the gummy bear up to his mouth. “Sacrifice, Sacrifi-” Bryin stopped suddenly as he threw the piece of candy in his mouth, and before closing his mouth, made a small scream for the gummy bear.

            Bryin looked at the remaining green gummy bear. Smiling, he stuffed it into his pocket to save it for later. As he looked back up ahead of him, he realized Dawn and Quest weren’t there. Worriedly, he turned around to look behind him. Dawn and Quest had stopped while Bryin was executing the gummy.

            The two just sat on their foulexes exchanging knowing glances. As they turned their glances upon Bryin, they each took a deep breath.

            “Bryin,” Dawn said swinging off of Eve’s back, “Quest and I were just going to let this whole no sleep thing slide until tonight, but clearly you need sleep more than we realized.”

            Dawn walked over to the front of Bryin’s foulex and took the reins that were hanging loosely from one of Bryin’s hands.

            “We’ll lead your foulex,” Quest explained, “and you can try to get some rest. Really Bryin, you’re starting to worry us…I mean Dawn. She’s beginning to worry about you.”

            “Oh, Quest,” Dawn said frowning, “Quit playing around. You are just as freaked out by Bryin’s behavior as I am.”

            Quest shrugged and Dawn passed the reins to Bryin’s foulex to him. He tied the reins to Howler’s reins and Dawn hopped back onto Eve. As they continued to travel Bryin looked ahead awkwardly. He really wasn't going to try and sleep and now, all he could do was converse with the voice inside his mind or sit there bored. The boredom would very soon lead to him falling asleep, and sleep would lead to nightmares.

            Bryin leaned against his foulexes neck.

            "I'm not going to fall asleep," he whispered to himself.

            "I'm sure you won't," replied a deep voice.

            Bryin sat up and looked around. He looked first to Quest and Dawn. They couldn't have said anything because they were in one of their conversations full of gibberish. Frowning Bryin wondered if the voice inside his head had changed.

            Bryin, I haven't changed. The female voice told him.

            That rules out the voice in my head, Bryin thought to himself.

            "I can help you stay awake if you'd like." rumbled the voice again.

            Bryin looked around curiously. The voice wasn't coming from his mind, and from either of his companions, but no one else was around, unless…

            Bryin looked down at his foulex.      

            Lowly Bryin asked, "It wasn't  you who said something, was it?"

            "It was," the foulex answered him.

            Bryin didn't know whether to laugh, answer the animal, ignore it, or tell Quest and Dawn. He decided to go with the safest one.

            "I didn't know you could talk." Bryin said quietly, hoping Dawn and Quest wouldn't hear him.

            "Well I can't really, if you know what I mean." the foulex turned its head to grin at Bryin.

            Bryin smiled in return. Still smiling he shook his head.

            "Not really," Bryin replied confused. "Hey, do you have a name?"

            "Aye, I do," the foulex replied.

            Bryin waited for him to give his name and smiled wider as he used the word 'aye.'

            "The name's Bob." Bob said to Bryin.

            "Bob?" Bryin asked confused. "But that's an Earth name. I thought since you were an animal from Panin you would have a more exotic name."

            "Hey, don't look at me," Bob said frowning at Bryin, "You're the one imagining everything I'm saying, so since this whole thing is coming from your head, my name's Bob."

            "Oh, I guess that makes sense." Bryin said shrugging.

            "But just between you and me," Bob said in a whisper, "I like the name Fred better."

            Bryin only laughed at that. This was definitely coming from his head.

            "Bryin," Dawn said frowning, "You are supposed to be trying to sleep."

            "No," Bryin argued, "I'm supposed to be ignoring any orders you try to give me. I believe you are trying to order me to sleep, so I will now stay awake."

            Dawn just stared at Bryin with a look of unbelief.

            Sighing Quest said, "Look, this is for your own good. You have to sleep sometime, whether it's sooner or later. I would prefer it be sooner because I'm pretty sure you were just having a conversation with a foulex."           

            "I was not!" Bryin said indignantly. "I was having a conversation with Bob, who secretly wants to be a Fred."

            This time it was Quest's turn to be at a loss for words.

            "Fine," Dawn said finally. "Sleep, don't sleep, I don't care."

            "You don't care but I do." Bryin said with a frown. "I'm not sleeping."

            Both Dawn and Quest shook their heads and went back to talking hoping Bryin would just crash.

            Bryin studied them.

            What are they talking about? Bryin wondered.

            They seemed to be obsessed with him falling asleep. Were they plotting a way to make him sleep? Why did they want him to sleep? What did they want with him?

            Bryin thought quickly and came to a decision. He was not going to travel with these two.

            Looking from Dawn to Quest, Bryin made sure neither one was paying any attention to him and he slipped off his foulex. Landing on the soft purple grass with a thud, Bryin watched happily as the two continued to ride off without him.

            Bryin then frowned as they stopped.

            Without looking back, Quest called to him, "You didn't really think we wouldn't notice that, did you?" Shaking his head, Quest leaned over to Dawn and said something Bryin couldn't hear. Then Quest dismounted and walked over to Bryin.

            "What are you doing?" Bryin asked suspiciously. "You can't make me go with you. Unless, of course, you kidnap me. I highly doubt you'd do that though."

            Quest said nothing, but shrugged. As he continued to walk over to Bryin, he casually put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

            "What do you want?" Bryin asked getting nervous. "Stay away from me! Unless you have anything to say, I suggest you get back on your horse thingy and ride off, ok?"

            "Sorry," Quest said, "that's not going to work for me." Once Quest was close enough to reach out and touch Bryin, he pulled out his sword and jabbed its hilt into the side of Bryin's head. Dawn frowned slightly as Bryin crumpled to the ground.

            "Quest," She said leading all three of the foulexes over to Bryin and Quest, "You didn't tell me you were going to do that."

            "What?" Quest asked innocently. "He needed sleep right? Plus I don't think he would have come with us with the way he's thinking right now."

            Trying to hide a grin, Dawn said, "Well that's still not the way you should have done it."

            Hopping to the ground next to Quest, Dawn helped him get Bryin up onto Bob. Once they had made sure he wasn't going to fall off, they got on their own rides, and rode off.
Annnnd, the part I've been waiting for most... THE VIDEO OF ME!!! XD Just kidding. But seriously, here's the video. Warning, I might be acting weird, just because I am and this is usually how my sisters and I all interact minus the camera, so... Yeah. I'm Weird. Oh, and also most of the stuff we're talking about in the video is random so if it makes no sense... Oh, well. XD

So, what do you think? From what you know, does Bryin get off easy or no? Let me know in the comments! Next week I'll be showing you a look at Sage!