Thursday, November 12, 2015

New Blog!

Sooo, this is a short post, but I'd thought I'd just let everyone know that I have a new blog for my project More Than Survival. I figured that I'd eventually want to blog about that project, but I don't necessarily post everything about it on here since it's for WoP. Sooo... Yeah! You can click the Other Blogs tab, and find the link there, or just click here!

Also, son't forget about the poll thing. It ends on Saturday, and I'll have a new question up sometime that afternoon!

Thanks for reading this, and also, let me know what you think of the new blog! :D

(Bryin: Yeah, of course there's a new blog. First she completely abandons my story right in the middle of it, then she starts to like her new characters, and then she makes a whole blog for them. And you know what? Those characters won't even be grateful for all that. Gosh. Why can't my author just come back and forget about all the other stupid new characters? Why?!?!

Tristan: Ooh... What's this place. It looks cool... Maybe it's some top secret government thingy...

Bryin: Um, hello? This isn't you blog, you terrible new character girl. Go back to where ever it is you came from, I was in the middle of--

Tristyn: Oh, I didn't see you there... Are you a government agent? Sorry about being here when it's supposed to be top secret and everything. It was a complete accident.

Bryin: I don't work for the government! This whole thing has nothing to do with the government! If you want to ramble on and on about stupid stuff, get on your own blog! This one's mine. I'm the only one allowed to do stupid stuff on here.

Tristyn: Well, excuse me. That was rude. I'm not stupid, and I'm not rambling on and on. Not yet anyway.

Bryin: Then leave before you do start!)

Me: *Shoos both Bryin and Tristyn away before anything can get out of hand* Oh, and sorry for just stopping in the middle of your story Bryin! I promise I'll come back soon to torture-- I mean-- write about you later!!!


  1. Why is Bryin complaining about you stopping his story when all that you seem to do is torture him? xD

    1. Because he's bored, like usual. XD And he at least would like to get to the point where I'm completely done with his story so that he's not left in the middle of a bad situation. (Which, I did leave him in a pretty bad situation...)
