Hello, it's been quite along time hasn't it? My author never let's me do anything fun any more! She's always keeping me locked up in that book world of her, torturing me on occasion... That's... I don't think there's a way that could ever be fun. Ever.
But anyways, I came here with a certain topic on my mind which I have forgotten, and will now attempt to remember by rambling, because rambling always helps you remember everything, all the time. Actually, it's a fact that rambling boosts memory. At least I thought it was a fact... Okay, maybe it's a fact, but it hasn't been proven yet. Or, it's a proven fact, just not a scientifically proven fact. Ooor, it's a scenically... Oh! That's it! Science.
Okay, not exclusively science. More like school in general.
You might ask, why were you thinking about school, how did you come to want to share your thoughts on school, where did I leave that bag of gummy bears... Oh, wait, that last one was what I was asking myself. Gummy bears aside, my author informed us characters that she won't have as much time to work on our story due to the fact that she started school yesterday. (Not that she spends time actually writing anyways. If she ever tells you she works hard, and spends a lot of time on writing, don't believe her. She spends so much time procrastinating, if she made a character out of it, it would probably be her best one. But, I'm getting off topic.) Also... Where did I leave those gummy bears...?
Eh hem... So, school. That's what we're talking about now. Personally, I think school is a big waste of time. Why learn things at school when you could just go and experience the things you were learning about? Or, teachers could teach us things while we experience them. Although... I still don't think I would enjoy experiencing math, or English, or foreign languages. But science might be cool if things exploded. And for history, why don't we talk about the present because later, it will be history.
Not to mention, what's the point of this whole being graded thing? It's not as if you're going to be graded later in life, are you? Are you? I'm asking seriously now, because I'm not entirely sure if you are or not. If you are, that's just weird, and it should stop.
And really, what's the point of elementary school, middle school, and high school? I understand college since you're working up to something specific you hope to do one day, but why learn a whole bunch of useless stuff before that? I think it's pointless really.
But of course, my opinion doesn't matter. I could spend a good twenty minutes going over all of that, and explaining how I felt to my parents, and of course, they always respond by telling me how important education is, blah, blah, blah. And so they decide one way or another they're going to force me to do it.
Truthfully, I would rather be unschooled. It sound a lot more fun then school, or homeschool. You aren't forced to learn anything you don't want to, and you could basically do whatever you want all day.
Anyways, that's what I think about school. Not that you guys should care, because I'm not even sure I care, but I like talking-- Or typing random things on m author's blog. Speaking of my author, I should probably go now... That way I'll be prepared for when she sees this and comes to punish me just to entertain herself. It'll probably be in some short story, and it will amuse her a lot, but I probably won't enjoy it in the slightest... I hate being a character...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Another Tag
Eh hem... So it's kind of been awhile since my last blog post... And by awhile I mean a few months. I have no idea who actually reads my blog, buuuut I like posting for fun. Even if I'm only talking to myself, or one or two people. Anyways, I would post more, but I haven't been able to come up with something to post. So if anyone has any ideas as to what you would like to see on my blog, let me know! And if you don't have any ideas, that's fine to. I'm sure I'll come up with an idea eventually, or not, but... Oh well...
Oh! And one more off topic thing related to the whole blogging thing. If there's something, like a story or something that I started to post but never finished and you would like me to finish it, let me know about that too! I'm really forgetful, and I forgot about a lot of things that I posted on here.
Annnd now that I'm done rambling about that, time for some on topic rambling! Leilani has nominated me for the Liebster Award!
So, first things first, the facts.
1. I have been into Anime lately.
2. Because of my obsession with anime, I've been drawing anime characters, and I now have been thinking about making my own Manga book, or anime show, although they would both take a lot of work.
3. At the moment I have no idea what I want to do when I get into to college, but it's between English, Business administration, Art, or Music. Or a combination of two of those.
4. I research things for fun when I'm bored or procrastinating. I have no idea why, but I actually really like researching things.
5. This summer I've developed terrible sleeping habits in where I stay up all night until around five in the morning sometimes, or I don't sleep until like ten that morning.
6. Apparently I don't like finishing things. I've been working on the last part of my fourth book for a few months now and at this point I have like two or three chapters left and I'm still not done. I just can't bring myself to type anything more then like ten words every week or something like that. I think I'm blaming my characters for it though, because that's easier then saying I'm lazy.
7. I've been thinking of starting an art blog, but I'm too lazy, and I'm not entirely sure if anyone would look at it. Sometimes I post things on here, but this is more of my writing blog, and I don't really want to mix the two. But... Yeah. Probably I might, but it depends on if I really think my drawings or whatever are okay-ish.
8. More often or not when I type stuff like this I feel like I ramble on and make no sense and my thoughts are probably really unorganized. Which, coincidentally, might be where Bryin got his 'randomness' from.
9. I am currently editing my first book, and one day I would love to publish it. Only problem is I really don't think highly of the first book, and as many times as I've tried, I can't even bring myself to reread it. Actually, I have trouble rereading most books.
10. Recently I have been playing guitar on my church worship team. I'm not really great at it, but I think I'm getting better. I've also thought about posting a recording of my singing and playing the guitar, but... That idea is kinda like the art blog one.
11. I have three Leopard Geckos. Their names are Toothless, Stormfly, and Hookfang. I actually had to rethink two of their names when I found out they were girls, but I still love them a lot! Annd, this is Toothless...
Now for the questions!
1. Do you like walking in the rain?
Yes, yes I do. XD Actually, I more like running around in the rain. Recently it's been raining here a lot, and almost every time my youngest sister and I go outside to run around and to see if the ditch beside our house will flood. For some reason it's really amusing when it turns into a mini river.
2. Have you ever been to a country other than the one you are born in?
Yep. A few years ago my older sister and I went to Mexico on a mission trip. I mainly worked in the kitchen serving the people who were going out into the community, but it was a lot of fun, and I discovered that I actually love working behind the scenes to help make things run.
3. Would you rather go to Narnia during the reign of the White Witch or go with Frodo and Sam on the journey to Mordor?
Ooh... That's a hard one. I think I'll choose Frodo and Sam, not because I think it will be safer or anything, but mainly because it would be cool to go to Middle Earth where there's dwarfs and Elves and stuff like that...
4. You've been offered a full meal of whatever fantasy-esque foods you like! What do you choose?
Umm... Well first I would choose the coffee like drink from my books, because it would be like the best coffee ever, and I like coffee. Annnnd.... *Cough* *Cough* I actually can't think of other food, so I'll cop out and either go with a meal from Panin, because I've always wondered what they eat, but I've been to lazy to make something up, oooor, I'll just stick with having nothing but coffee.
5. Guess what! You just found out that you've won a two-week trip to wherever you want to go! Where are you headed?
Panin... XD Okay, I might be slightly obsessed with wanting to go there, but I'm just really curious. But, for the sake of coming up with a real answer, I'm gonna say... (Considering fictional places are allowed) I would chose somewhere in Araluen from Ranger's Apprentice. Especially if I got to meet Halt or Will while I was there!
6. You get to the place and have been there for a few days when you accidentally fall into a portal and end up in the headquarters of your favorite book or movie villain. Where are you, and who's the villain?
It seriously took me a super long time to answer this one. >.< I discovered that I typically don't favor villains much... But, if this one counts, then my favorite villain would be Artemis Fowl from the first book. For some reason I just can't help but admire him, half hoping he changes, half hoping he succeeds. I would end up in Ireland, his headquarters being his house, Fowl Manner.
7. Most importantly, how do you escape, and what do you do once you've gotten out?
Hmm... I'm not sure I would want to escape. If I did I would probably ask him if I could leave considering I wouldn't be useful to him in the slightest, or I would ask to follow him in his adventures, because it would be awesome!
8. What's your favorite movie soundtrack?
Weeellll.... I love a lot of movie soundtracks, but just because I'm going to say the Wreak-it-Ralph soundtrack for now. Or the Lord of the Rings. Or How To Train Your Dragon...
9. Would you rather go to Rivendell or Erebor? (Erebor is the Lonely Mountain, for anyone unsure.)
I would say Rivendell.
10. What would you do first in whichever place you chose for #9?
I would probably go exploring, because it would be super awesome to see everything there!
11. If you had to rename yourself, what name would you choose?
Ooh... Well if I did have to rename myself, I would choose... Okay. I had trouble answering this one too. XD And at this point I hope I never have to change my name. At some point I wanted my name to be Avalee (I think, anyways) so, I'll just leave my answer at that.
And now my own questions...
1. If you ever became a superhero, what would you want your powers to be?
2. Who would be your nemesis, and what is their power?
3. Do you like coffee or tea better? Why?
4. If you were suddenly whisked off to a fictional world and had to stay there the rest of your life, where would you hope to end up?
5. Do you prefer eBooks or actual books?
6. If you were stuck for life with any fictional character, who would you want it to be?
7. What's you favorite thing to do when you're bored?
8. What is your least favorite movie?
9. If you could learn to play one instrument, what would it be?
10. What is your least favorite food?
11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Now, for the people I tag, which is easily the part where I fail pretty much every time...
Trista Vaporblade
Lylyss Silvestree
And I think I'll stop there. So, yeah. That tags done, and don't forget about my random off topic rambling at the top of the post! Or do forget it... I probably will... :D
Oh! And one more off topic thing related to the whole blogging thing. If there's something, like a story or something that I started to post but never finished and you would like me to finish it, let me know about that too! I'm really forgetful, and I forgot about a lot of things that I posted on here.
Annnd now that I'm done rambling about that, time for some on topic rambling! Leilani has nominated me for the Liebster Award!
BTW, Leilani, I love answering these, so thanks for tagging me! It's a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to answering your questions!
The way it works:
- Thank the person who nominated you
- List 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you
- Write 11 questions for the next person
- Tag people.
So, first things first, the facts.
1. I have been into Anime lately.
2. Because of my obsession with anime, I've been drawing anime characters, and I now have been thinking about making my own Manga book, or anime show, although they would both take a lot of work.
3. At the moment I have no idea what I want to do when I get into to college, but it's between English, Business administration, Art, or Music. Or a combination of two of those.
4. I research things for fun when I'm bored or procrastinating. I have no idea why, but I actually really like researching things.
5. This summer I've developed terrible sleeping habits in where I stay up all night until around five in the morning sometimes, or I don't sleep until like ten that morning.
6. Apparently I don't like finishing things. I've been working on the last part of my fourth book for a few months now and at this point I have like two or three chapters left and I'm still not done. I just can't bring myself to type anything more then like ten words every week or something like that. I think I'm blaming my characters for it though, because that's easier then saying I'm lazy.
7. I've been thinking of starting an art blog, but I'm too lazy, and I'm not entirely sure if anyone would look at it. Sometimes I post things on here, but this is more of my writing blog, and I don't really want to mix the two. But... Yeah. Probably I might, but it depends on if I really think my drawings or whatever are okay-ish.
8. More often or not when I type stuff like this I feel like I ramble on and make no sense and my thoughts are probably really unorganized. Which, coincidentally, might be where Bryin got his 'randomness' from.
9. I am currently editing my first book, and one day I would love to publish it. Only problem is I really don't think highly of the first book, and as many times as I've tried, I can't even bring myself to reread it. Actually, I have trouble rereading most books.
10. Recently I have been playing guitar on my church worship team. I'm not really great at it, but I think I'm getting better. I've also thought about posting a recording of my singing and playing the guitar, but... That idea is kinda like the art blog one.
11. I have three Leopard Geckos. Their names are Toothless, Stormfly, and Hookfang. I actually had to rethink two of their names when I found out they were girls, but I still love them a lot! Annd, this is Toothless...
Now for the questions!
1. Do you like walking in the rain?
Yes, yes I do. XD Actually, I more like running around in the rain. Recently it's been raining here a lot, and almost every time my youngest sister and I go outside to run around and to see if the ditch beside our house will flood. For some reason it's really amusing when it turns into a mini river.
2. Have you ever been to a country other than the one you are born in?
Yep. A few years ago my older sister and I went to Mexico on a mission trip. I mainly worked in the kitchen serving the people who were going out into the community, but it was a lot of fun, and I discovered that I actually love working behind the scenes to help make things run.
3. Would you rather go to Narnia during the reign of the White Witch or go with Frodo and Sam on the journey to Mordor?
Ooh... That's a hard one. I think I'll choose Frodo and Sam, not because I think it will be safer or anything, but mainly because it would be cool to go to Middle Earth where there's dwarfs and Elves and stuff like that...
4. You've been offered a full meal of whatever fantasy-esque foods you like! What do you choose?
Umm... Well first I would choose the coffee like drink from my books, because it would be like the best coffee ever, and I like coffee. Annnnd.... *Cough* *Cough* I actually can't think of other food, so I'll cop out and either go with a meal from Panin, because I've always wondered what they eat, but I've been to lazy to make something up, oooor, I'll just stick with having nothing but coffee.
5. Guess what! You just found out that you've won a two-week trip to wherever you want to go! Where are you headed?
Panin... XD Okay, I might be slightly obsessed with wanting to go there, but I'm just really curious. But, for the sake of coming up with a real answer, I'm gonna say... (Considering fictional places are allowed) I would chose somewhere in Araluen from Ranger's Apprentice. Especially if I got to meet Halt or Will while I was there!
6. You get to the place and have been there for a few days when you accidentally fall into a portal and end up in the headquarters of your favorite book or movie villain. Where are you, and who's the villain?
It seriously took me a super long time to answer this one. >.< I discovered that I typically don't favor villains much... But, if this one counts, then my favorite villain would be Artemis Fowl from the first book. For some reason I just can't help but admire him, half hoping he changes, half hoping he succeeds. I would end up in Ireland, his headquarters being his house, Fowl Manner.
7. Most importantly, how do you escape, and what do you do once you've gotten out?
Hmm... I'm not sure I would want to escape. If I did I would probably ask him if I could leave considering I wouldn't be useful to him in the slightest, or I would ask to follow him in his adventures, because it would be awesome!
8. What's your favorite movie soundtrack?
Weeellll.... I love a lot of movie soundtracks, but just because I'm going to say the Wreak-it-Ralph soundtrack for now. Or the Lord of the Rings. Or How To Train Your Dragon...
9. Would you rather go to Rivendell or Erebor? (Erebor is the Lonely Mountain, for anyone unsure.)
I would say Rivendell.
10. What would you do first in whichever place you chose for #9?
I would probably go exploring, because it would be super awesome to see everything there!
11. If you had to rename yourself, what name would you choose?
Ooh... Well if I did have to rename myself, I would choose... Okay. I had trouble answering this one too. XD And at this point I hope I never have to change my name. At some point I wanted my name to be Avalee (I think, anyways) so, I'll just leave my answer at that.
And now my own questions...
1. If you ever became a superhero, what would you want your powers to be?
2. Who would be your nemesis, and what is their power?
3. Do you like coffee or tea better? Why?
4. If you were suddenly whisked off to a fictional world and had to stay there the rest of your life, where would you hope to end up?
5. Do you prefer eBooks or actual books?
6. If you were stuck for life with any fictional character, who would you want it to be?
7. What's you favorite thing to do when you're bored?
8. What is your least favorite movie?
9. If you could learn to play one instrument, what would it be?
10. What is your least favorite food?
11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Now, for the people I tag, which is easily the part where I fail pretty much every time...
Trista Vaporblade
Lylyss Silvestree
And I think I'll stop there. So, yeah. That tags done, and don't forget about my random off topic rambling at the top of the post! Or do forget it... I probably will... :D
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