Friday, December 5, 2014

Best Blogging Buddies Award

Alright, so I was nominated for the Best Blogging Buddies Award by Leilani Sunblade. Here's the cute little owl that goes along with the award. Apparently his name is Dave. :D

So here are the rules.
  • You must post to show the award on your main blog.
  • You must tag the person who nominated you, in your post.
  • You must tag all of your best buddies, and those whom you want to become best buddies with, who, to your knowledge, have not been nominated, for this award.
  • You must ask your buddies at least fifteen questions on your post.
  • You must answer all of the questions your buddies ask you. On your post.

And now for answering the questions!

1. It seems to be tradition, so . . . what's your favorite part about blogging?
My favorite part about blogging...? Hmm. Well I've never really thought about that, but I guess it would be the fact that it gives me the ability to write down what ever crazy thing is on my mind and let's me share that with others. There are no rules, so it helps a lot while procrastinating, or dealing with writer's block.

2. Is there a song stuck in your head right now? If so, what is it?
The songs that are stuck in my head right now are these two songs...

3. What's your favorite Bible verse?
Hmm, usually my automatic answer to that question would be Luke 18:27, "...What is impossible with man is possible with god." But after some though, I've always been drawn to Psalms 23:4. "Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."

4. If you could trade lives with any fictional character for a day, who would you trade with? And at what point in his/her life?
I've always wanted to be Will Treaty from Ranger's Apprentice. And as for what point in his life, probably starting from when Halt chose him as an apprentice, that way I could learn all of the skill of a ranger.

5. What's your favorite Christmas song?
Ooh, I think my favorite Christmas song will always be Wynter Fever by Theocracy. It's a long song, but it's pretty funny in my opinion. 

6. What's your least favorite Christmas song?
I'm gonna say... It's probably Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time. I just find that song somewhat annoying.

7. What's the next book you're hoping/planning to read? (For fun, not for school.)
I would like to read Slaves of Socorro, the fourth book in the Brotherband series by John Flanagan. I own the book, I just have to dig it out of my black hole, also know as my bed room.

8Which book/movie villain would you most want to show up on your front doorstep?
Ehh... I always have a hard time with questions related to villains... I guess I would say Fen from The Blackwell Pages. He's more of an anti-hero though... *Sigh*

9. If said villain showed up, what would your reaction be?
I would be really excited (as long as anti-heroes count for the last question...) He's one of my favorite characters in the series, and I think I would just generally freak out if I met him.

10. If you could have any superpower, what would you pick?
I would probably want either healing powers or super strength.

11. What's your favorite place to read/write?
I love to write in the living room or my house where my family's desktop is set up. Mainly, it's not the where, it's the when with writing. When being when everyone is either out of the house or asleep. As for reading... Usually I do most of my reading in the quietest part of the house.

12. Are your bookshelves organized? If so, how?
Well, I tried to organize my book shelve a few months ago by author's last name or something like that. But I ran out of room on my book shelve which is almost floor to ceiling...

13. What's one odd quirk of yours?
Hmm... One of my quirks is I'll pull out my phone every few minutes to refresh the UG, even if I know that there's not going to be anything new. It's pretty much a habit that every time I unlock my phone I refresh the UG before I lock my phone again. And, even if I'm getting my phone out to text or call someone, I accidentally open my web browser which is always open to the UG.

14. What's one recently written book that your grandchildren will be assigned to read in high school? (Or, to put it another way, what's one recently written book that you think will become a major classic?)
I'm gonna say Hunger Games. Just because...

15. Do you like even or odd numbers better?
I love even numbers, but my favorite number is five just because it's generally a very round number... Figuratively that is.

16. What's your favorite kind of chocolate? 
My favorite kind is a Hershey's chocolate bar with almonds. Mmm. :)

17. What are you going to do after you finish this tag?
Sleep. It's like 4:30 in the morning... I honestly have no idea why I stayed up this late...

Now for my questions...

1. What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
2. What's your favorite type of music?
3. If you could have any meal, what would it be?
4. Which one of your own characters is your favorite?
5. Which one of your own characters is your least favorite?
6. If you could write or read a scene featuring your character, and another author's character, which characters would you want to be in the scene?
7. What's one fictional place you've always wanted to go to?
8. What inspired you to start writing?
9. Who is your least favorite fictional protagonist?
10. Would you rather write early in the morning, or late at night?
11. What are your least favorite characters to read/write about?
12. What's your favorite book?
13. Do you prefer typing on a computer, or writing in a notebook?
14. Have you ever written a short story about your characters to avoid writing the actual book?
15. Do you have any pets?

And with that I tag...

Like I always say, I'm terrible at tagging people... DX Oh well. Thanks for reading!