Alright, so I have been tagged by Leilani Sunblade. For this tag I have to come up with four to six signs of being a writer without knowingly copying anyone else, and then tags many other bloggers as I want.
So... You know your a writer when...
1. Almost anything that happens to you could turn into a situation in your book.
2. You are constantly comparing your characters to other characters in books, movies, and tv shows.
3. Pretty much anything can make you think of your books.
4. You keep your mind open for new ideas no matter what you're doing. (Like literally just walking down the street could inspire an idea for me...)
5. Someone looks at you funny when you are talking about your books/characters like they're real and their response is, "But you're the author..." Only author's understand. ;)
6. Often times your daydreaming is writing related.
And I tag...
Trista Vaporblade
I know those are all true for me, but I don't really know about other people... And that was all I could think of. Most likely I'll think of tons more now that I've posted this, or that's how it usually works anyways. Oh, well. :D