Thursday, September 26, 2013

Liebster Award!

Alright, so I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Leilani Sunblade at Dreams and Dragons.
For this award I have to:
  • Link back to the blogger who tagged me.
  • Answer the ten questions she gives me.
  • Nominate ten others and ask them ten questions.
  • Let those nominees know they were tagged.
Okay, so here are the questions I was asked.

1. What are the last five books you read?
Ooh, that's a hard one at the moment. I haven't been reading very much lately, but let's see... One that I remember would be The Runaway King, by Jennifer A. Nielsen. And I'm going to assume comic books counts, so Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search, Part 2. Mmm, The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett: An Origami Yoda Book, by Tom Angleberger. And that's about all that I can remember at the moment, as sad as that is, (to me at least...).

2. What are the next five books you hope to read?
Okay, this one is a bit easier, although I think I'm just going to list all the books I hope to get, but aren't out yet... I hope to read The Royal Ranger, by John Flanagan, The House of Hades, by Rick Riordan, The Shadow Throne, by Jennifer A. Nielsen, and Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search, Part 3. And I Am Number Four, by  Pittacus Lore, which I do actually I have, I'm just trying to find the time to read it.

3. What do you think of when you hear the word "epic"?
Ah, when I hear the word "epic", my mind races to a bunch of things. Battles and wars, journeys through forests, other worlds, ans far off adventures. Basically all the awesomeness you would find in books!

4. Surprise! You've been offered a month-long, all-expenses-paid vacation to anywhere you like, real or otherwise. Where do you go?
Oh, man! This is a hard question! I would love to go sooo many places, so I'll just list three...
One: I would love to go to Scotland. I'm not entirely sure why though.
Two: Araluen from Ranger's Apprentice would be a cool place to visit!
Three: I would die if I could go to Panin. I've been imagining it in my head so long, and it would be so awesome if I could see it in real life!

5. What are you listening to right now?
I am listening to a playlist of music that I almost always turn on when I get onto the computer. I like to use it when I'm doing school work, or writing mainly, but I still enjoy having play when I'm just messing around on the computer. There is a lot of movie soundtracks, and songs done by a string quartet so that when I need to focus I'm not too distracted by songs with words, although because I do like to sing and I couldn't help myself, a few songs with words actually snuck there way onto that playlist. 

6. You wake up and find yourself in a room with the hero and main villain of whatever book you're writing (or reading, if you're not writing something at the moment). There are no doors or windows that you can see, and the hero and villain both know you're their author. What happens next?
0.0... Well, at the moment I'm writing about the Star-Dwellers, and if they know I'm their author... I'm guessing they'll attempt to torture me until I write the book how they want it to go. I can't imagine that being real fun. 

7. Of the movies you've seen in the last few months, which one was your favorite?
Hmm, well the last movie I saw was The Wolverine, and I thought it was awesome! And according to my sisters, I had some very amusing reactions throughout the whole movie.

8. Pie or cake?
Ehh, I think I'm gonna go with pie because that's just the mood I'm in right now.

9. Who's your all-time favorite fictional villain?
I'm going to go with Artemis Fowl. Although he changes a lot by the end of the series, I liked him a lot even when he was the villain.

10. Name your top five favorite songs from movie soundtracks.
Hmm... The Steward of Gondor from Lord of the Rings is one of my favorites, then there's the Kingdom Dance from Tangled, I also like Test Drive from How to Train Your Dragon, Life In The Arcade from Wreak-It Ralph is pretty cool, and A Narnia Lullaby is also one of my favorites.

Alright, now for ten questions of my own...

1. What are your top three favorite movies?
2. What is your least favorite book that you've ever read?
3. Do you listen to music while you write/read? If so, what do you listen to?
4. What is your favorite genre to read?
5. Reading, or writing? Which one do you prefer more?
6. What inspires you to write the most?
7. Which fictional character are you most like?
8. What is your favorite thing to write with? Pen, pencil, sharpie... ect.
9. What is your favorite type of character, the hero or the villain?
10. What is your favorite fictional place?

And here are the people I'm nominating:
Trista Vaporblade
Dark Wolf

Annnd... That's all I can think of... I guess it's better than nothing!