Alright, so I have been tagged by Leilani Sunblade. For this tag I have to come up with four to six signs of being a writer without knowingly copying anyone else, and then tags many other bloggers as I want.
So... You know your a writer when...
1. Almost anything that happens to you could turn into a situation in your book.
2. You are constantly comparing your characters to other characters in books, movies, and tv shows.
3. Pretty much anything can make you think of your books.
4. You keep your mind open for new ideas no matter what you're doing. (Like literally just walking down the street could inspire an idea for me...)
5. Someone looks at you funny when you are talking about your books/characters like they're real and their response is, "But you're the author..." Only author's understand. ;)
6. Often times your daydreaming is writing related.
And I tag...
Trista Vaporblade
I know those are all true for me, but I don't really know about other people... And that was all I could think of. Most likely I'll think of tons more now that I've posted this, or that's how it usually works anyways. Oh, well. :D
Monday, December 23, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
So, today is my birthday! In honor of my birthday, I thought I would have my characters say a few words about me. So go ahead characters, worship me! ;)
Bryin: Eh heh... Did you really want us to worship you? Because if so, that was an order and I really don't think you want me to do the opposite...
Me: *Sighs* I was joking. Didn't you see the winky face?
Bryin: *Shrugs* I wasn't really paying attention. All I heard was blah, blah, blah... Anyways... How would I describe my author? I already have a whole post on what I think of her somewhere here on her blog, but I'll be nice and say that she's pretty cool. She let's me be a crazy and random as I want to, and I wouldn't be Bryin if it wasn't for her.
Quest: Hm... Well I don't particularly think that she's a very fair person. But she hasn't done anything extremely terrible to me yet. Although there was that one time when I got tortured...
Me: Hey, that wasn't me. That was the other characters.
Quest: *Shrugs* In my opinion it's the same thing.
Dawn: Well, I wouldn't be here with out her. She makes my life interesting, and certainly fills it with lots of adventure!
Me: Well... That was surprisingly nice!
Dawn: But she's also done a lot of things that can be and are considered villainous-
Me: And that's where I'm going to cut you off.
Darvel: I hate her. I don't care if it's her birthday, I'm not being nice. I hate her and I wish she had never created my stupid brother.
Me: Well... I expected that one, but oh well...
Sage: She created me, so she should know exactly what I think about her.
Me: I do know, Sage. But other people don't, so say something please?
Sage: Something please.
Me: Gah! Quit being difficult!
Sage: Fine, I will be cooperative. I think that my author is very emotionally involved in her story. She is very proud of herself, and this whole blog post is a bit vain.
Me: I'm not being vain... Am I?
So, I could do more, but I have a feeling they're all going to be pretty similar to those ones. Aren't my characters the best?
Bryin: Eh heh... Did you really want us to worship you? Because if so, that was an order and I really don't think you want me to do the opposite...
Me: *Sighs* I was joking. Didn't you see the winky face?
Bryin: *Shrugs* I wasn't really paying attention. All I heard was blah, blah, blah... Anyways... How would I describe my author? I already have a whole post on what I think of her somewhere here on her blog, but I'll be nice and say that she's pretty cool. She let's me be a crazy and random as I want to, and I wouldn't be Bryin if it wasn't for her.
Quest: Hm... Well I don't particularly think that she's a very fair person. But she hasn't done anything extremely terrible to me yet. Although there was that one time when I got tortured...
Me: Hey, that wasn't me. That was the other characters.
Quest: *Shrugs* In my opinion it's the same thing.
Dawn: Well, I wouldn't be here with out her. She makes my life interesting, and certainly fills it with lots of adventure!
Me: Well... That was surprisingly nice!
Dawn: But she's also done a lot of things that can be and are considered villainous-
Me: And that's where I'm going to cut you off.
Darvel: I hate her. I don't care if it's her birthday, I'm not being nice. I hate her and I wish she had never created my stupid brother.
Me: Well... I expected that one, but oh well...
Sage: She created me, so she should know exactly what I think about her.
Me: I do know, Sage. But other people don't, so say something please?
Sage: Something please.
Me: Gah! Quit being difficult!
Sage: Fine, I will be cooperative. I think that my author is very emotionally involved in her story. She is very proud of herself, and this whole blog post is a bit vain.
Me: I'm not being vain... Am I?
So, I could do more, but I have a feeling they're all going to be pretty similar to those ones. Aren't my characters the best?
Monday, November 18, 2013
Darvel Interview
Alright, so I'm finally getting around to doing an interview for Darvel. And I've already posted a picture of him, so here's the interview!
Me: Hey, Darvel! First, before I ask you any questions, I think we should skip the whole 'go away, leave me alone' thing that you are probably going to try and pull on me.
Darvel: Whatever. I don't even get why I need to be here. It's stupid.
Me: It maybe stupid to you, but it's not to me. So just answer my questions. Speaking of which, how do you like living on Panin?
Darvel: I don't know. It's not as if I have somewhere else to compare it to. But I don't exactly enjoy anything in my life, so I guess I don't like Panin either. More specifically, I don't like the people in my life. My mom ran off with my twin brother, and my dad abandoned me a few years later to find them. Then my brother came back to steal the throne from me because he's the older one.
Me: So... You don't really like your family?
Darvel: You'd have to be a complete idiot to think I liked them even the slightest bit.
Me: Well, of course you'd say that, but are you sure you really don't like them?
Darvel: Why would I? I hate them, and clearly they don't like me very much.
Me: Well, do you ever wish things between you and your family had been different?
Darvel: Yeah. Of course I do. I wish that my idiot brother never existed. That or he died a little while after he was born, leaving me to be an only child.
Me: Well... That's... Interesting.
Darvel: If you say so... But really, I don't need them. I don't need any of my family. I only need myself.
Me: So what do you like to do in your spare time?
Darvel: I like practicing with daggers. I have about seven at all times.
Me: Do you have any friends?
Darvel: No. Just like family, I don't need any friends, but I do have a few people that follow me because I pay them to.
Me: Why would you do that?
Darvel: Just in case I need to send them to pick on somebody, like my brother for example.
Me: For what reason do you pick on your brother?
Darvel: Because I hate him the most. He ruined my life. Everyone's lives revolves around him, and they only pay attention to him. It's all about him and his happiness, but who cares about Darvel and that fact that nobody ever checks to even see if he's okay.
Me: Well, thanks for talking with me Darvel!
Darvel: Whatever.
So... That's Darvel. He's an interesting character, or he is to me anyways. But he's one of my favorites!
Me: Hey, Darvel! First, before I ask you any questions, I think we should skip the whole 'go away, leave me alone' thing that you are probably going to try and pull on me.
Darvel: Whatever. I don't even get why I need to be here. It's stupid.
Me: It maybe stupid to you, but it's not to me. So just answer my questions. Speaking of which, how do you like living on Panin?
Darvel: I don't know. It's not as if I have somewhere else to compare it to. But I don't exactly enjoy anything in my life, so I guess I don't like Panin either. More specifically, I don't like the people in my life. My mom ran off with my twin brother, and my dad abandoned me a few years later to find them. Then my brother came back to steal the throne from me because he's the older one.
Me: So... You don't really like your family?
Darvel: You'd have to be a complete idiot to think I liked them even the slightest bit.
Me: Well, of course you'd say that, but are you sure you really don't like them?
Darvel: Why would I? I hate them, and clearly they don't like me very much.
Me: Well, do you ever wish things between you and your family had been different?
Darvel: Yeah. Of course I do. I wish that my idiot brother never existed. That or he died a little while after he was born, leaving me to be an only child.
Me: Well... That's... Interesting.
Darvel: If you say so... But really, I don't need them. I don't need any of my family. I only need myself.
Me: So what do you like to do in your spare time?
Darvel: I like practicing with daggers. I have about seven at all times.
Me: Do you have any friends?
Darvel: No. Just like family, I don't need any friends, but I do have a few people that follow me because I pay them to.
Me: Why would you do that?
Darvel: Just in case I need to send them to pick on somebody, like my brother for example.
Me: For what reason do you pick on your brother?
Darvel: Because I hate him the most. He ruined my life. Everyone's lives revolves around him, and they only pay attention to him. It's all about him and his happiness, but who cares about Darvel and that fact that nobody ever checks to even see if he's okay.
Me: Well, thanks for talking with me Darvel!
Darvel: Whatever.
So... That's Darvel. He's an interesting character, or he is to me anyways. But he's one of my favorites!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Okay, so here is a half random post, half random because I chose right this moment to post it.
So as far as I remember I never introduced Darvel on my blog, although I think I may have mentioned him once or twice. So for right now here's a picture I drew of him. I'll do an interview on my next post when I feel more up to it...
So as far as I remember I never introduced Darvel on my blog, although I think I may have mentioned him once or twice. So for right now here's a picture I drew of him. I'll do an interview on my next post when I feel more up to it...
Thursday, October 31, 2013
So... It's been almost a month since my last (very short) post. So I decided randomly to post again. It's pretty much always random with me. Anyways I thought this was really amusing so I'm gonna post it even though it really doesn't have anything to do with my books. This blog is called The World of Panin and Many Other Things after all. So we'll just put this under 'many other things'...
While at the dentist this morning I was searching for a Wi-Fi network that I might be able to connect to. This is what I found...
Secret Surveillance Van!
I thought that was so funny, and of course like my mind always does, I started thinking about how many different storylines could come from that... But, on top of this, I have a few more things to post.
So I'm going to a harvest festival tonight at my church and I have decided to be... Guess who. Bryin!
That's why I drew Vatan's symbol on my arm.
And I also drew the numbers on Bryin's other arm that he got from the third book. It has something to do with the aliens and stuff, but I don't really feel like explaining it right now, so...
Plus, I have finally convinced myself to post the picture of Bryin that I drew. I'm not sure how well it turned out, but for my first time drawing him, I'm happy with it.
So, I would love to hear what you think of the drawing, but I think that's all for now. Bye!
While at the dentist this morning I was searching for a Wi-Fi network that I might be able to connect to. This is what I found...
Secret Surveillance Van!
I thought that was so funny, and of course like my mind always does, I started thinking about how many different storylines could come from that... But, on top of this, I have a few more things to post.
So I'm going to a harvest festival tonight at my church and I have decided to be... Guess who. Bryin!
That's why I drew Vatan's symbol on my arm.

And I also drew the numbers on Bryin's other arm that he got from the third book. It has something to do with the aliens and stuff, but I don't really feel like explaining it right now, so...
Plus, I have finally convinced myself to post the picture of Bryin that I drew. I'm not sure how well it turned out, but for my first time drawing him, I'm happy with it.
So, I would love to hear what you think of the drawing, but I think that's all for now. Bye!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Takfin is the magical dagger that can shape-shift, speak mentally with specific people, and travel through different dimensions. My inspiration for The World of Panin all came from her. (Yes she is a she...) Anyways, I had gotten a ring a few years ago, and of course my imagination began to wander and I somehow got the idea for a magical ring. Then as I began to work on the idea, things changed and I began writing. Takfin's main form changed from a ring into a dagger, although I still really wanted her to be a ring. So, now Bryin sometimes likes to keep her in ring form. Now that my uninteresting rambling is done, here's what I really was going to post...
This is what Takfin looks like in ring form. Annnd, this was a really short post, but oh well...
This is what Takfin looks like in ring form. Annnd, this was a really short post, but oh well...
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Liebster Award!
Alright, so I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Leilani Sunblade at Dreams and Dragons.
For this award I have to:
- Link back to the blogger who tagged me.
- Answer the ten questions she gives me.
- Nominate ten others and ask them ten questions.
- Let those nominees know they were tagged.
Okay, so here are the questions I was asked.
1. What are the last five books you read?
Ooh, that's a hard one at the moment. I haven't been reading very much lately, but let's see... One that I remember would be The Runaway King, by Jennifer A. Nielsen. And I'm going to assume comic books counts, so Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search, Part 2. Mmm, The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett: An Origami Yoda Book, by Tom Angleberger. And that's about all that I can remember at the moment, as sad as that is, (to me at least...).
2. What are the next five books you hope to read?
Okay, this one is a bit easier, although I think I'm just going to list all the books I hope to get, but aren't out yet... I hope to read The Royal Ranger, by John Flanagan, The House of Hades, by Rick Riordan, The Shadow Throne, by Jennifer A. Nielsen, and Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Search, Part 3. And I Am Number Four, by Pittacus Lore, which I do actually I have, I'm just trying to find the time to read it.
3. What do you think of when you hear the word "epic"?
Ah, when I hear the word "epic", my mind races to a bunch of things. Battles and wars, journeys through forests, other worlds, ans far off adventures. Basically all the awesomeness you would find in books!
4. Surprise! You've been offered a month-long, all-expenses-paid vacation to anywhere you like, real or otherwise. Where do you go?
Oh, man! This is a hard question! I would love to go sooo many places, so I'll just list three...
One: I would love to go to Scotland. I'm not entirely sure why though.
Two: Araluen from Ranger's Apprentice would be a cool place to visit!
Three: I would die if I could go to Panin. I've been imagining it in my head so long, and it would be so awesome if I could see it in real life!
5. What are you listening to right now?
I am listening to a playlist of music that I almost always turn on when I get onto the computer. I like to use it when I'm doing school work, or writing mainly, but I still enjoy having play when I'm just messing around on the computer. There is a lot of movie soundtracks, and songs done by a string quartet so that when I need to focus I'm not too distracted by songs with words, although because I do like to sing and I couldn't help myself, a few songs with words actually snuck there way onto that playlist.
6. You wake up and find yourself in a room with the hero and main villain of whatever book you're writing (or reading, if you're not writing something at the moment). There are no doors or windows that you can see, and the hero and villain both know you're their author. What happens next?
0.0... Well, at the moment I'm writing about the Star-Dwellers, and if they know I'm their author... I'm guessing they'll attempt to torture me until I write the book how they want it to go. I can't imagine that being real fun.
7. Of the movies you've seen in the last few months, which one was your favorite?
Hmm, well the last movie I saw was The Wolverine, and I thought it was awesome! And according to my sisters, I had some very amusing reactions throughout the whole movie.
8. Pie or cake?
Ehh, I think I'm gonna go with pie because that's just the mood I'm in right now.
9. Who's your all-time favorite fictional villain?
I'm going to go with Artemis Fowl. Although he changes a lot by the end of the series, I liked him a lot even when he was the villain.
10. Name your top five favorite songs from movie soundtracks.
Hmm... The Steward of Gondor from Lord of the Rings is one of my favorites, then there's the Kingdom Dance from Tangled, I also like Test Drive from How to Train Your Dragon, Life In The Arcade from Wreak-It Ralph is pretty cool, and A Narnia Lullaby is also one of my favorites.
Alright, now for ten questions of my own...
1. What are your top three favorite movies?
2. What is your least favorite book that you've ever read?
3. Do you listen to music while you write/read? If so, what do you listen to?
4. What is your favorite genre to read?
5. Reading, or writing? Which one do you prefer more?
6. What inspires you to write the most?
7. Which fictional character are you most like?
8. What is your favorite thing to write with? Pen, pencil, sharpie... ect.
9. What is your favorite type of character, the hero or the villain?
10. What is your favorite fictional place?
And here are the people I'm nominating:
Trista Vaporblade
Dark Wolf
Annnd... That's all I can think of... I guess it's better than nothing!
5. Reading, or writing? Which one do you prefer more?
6. What inspires you to write the most?
7. Which fictional character are you most like?
8. What is your favorite thing to write with? Pen, pencil, sharpie... ect.
9. What is your favorite type of character, the hero or the villain?
10. What is your favorite fictional place?
And here are the people I'm nominating:
Trista Vaporblade
Dark Wolf
Annnd... That's all I can think of... I guess it's better than nothing!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Meet Sage!
It's been around a month since my last post. Shame on me! I kept meaning to write up a blog post, but I've been too busy writing short stories. So anyways, in the book that I am working on now, I have introduced a new character. Sage! In my head, Sage is a pretty cute little kid, although he's very logical, and if anything is the law, it's right, even if it's wrong. He is a slave to the Star-Dweller, which are basically the aliens in Panin's dimension. So I was thinking about doing a little interview with him, but first, here's a quick character description!
Name: Sage
Gender: Male
Age: Six and a half
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Dark Brown
Me: Hey, Sage! Thanks for agreeing to talk with me today!
Sage: It's not exactly like I had a choice. You are my author after all.
Me: Yes, but I appreciate your willingness to talk with me anyways.
Sage: Even if I was not willing, you would still be able to force me to talk. I am your character and I have to do whatever you want me to do. I am nothing but a puppet to you.
Me: Okay, Sage. I know that you are my book character, my readers have been made aware of the fact that you are my book character, and you know this as well. Can we move on?
Sage: Of course we can, if you want that is. Because I cannot truly do anything by myself as you are controlling me.
Me: Sometimes my characters surprise me and do things I wasn't planning on. How about we make those one of those times, and you just move past our whole author-character relationship, huh?
Sage: If that is what you are going to make me do, then why not?
Me: Well… I guess this isn't going to be one of those times. Sage why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself.
Sage: I could do that, but because you created me, and know far more about me than even I know myself, why don't you do it?
Me: Because it'll be different if it's coming from you.
Sage: Ah, alright, but only because this is what you are making me do. I am rather intelligent for my age, and I believe I could be considered a child protégée. I work as a slave, and my main job is to reproduce technology for the Star-Dwellers. I enjoy working with technology, and I also enjoy learning almost anything I can.
Me: Okay, do you have any friends of family.
Sage: Like I said, you should know all of this, but to answer your question, no. I don't have any friends, as I believe they are a waste of time. Not to mention most slaves don't last very long. And on top of that, I am probably not allow to have friends. And as for family… I've been with the Star-Dwellers since I was two years old. And I am fairly sure both my parents are dead.
Me: Well I'm sorry to hear that.
Sage: No you aren't. You are the one who gets to decide whether they live or died, or did you forget that?
Me: … I can't really forget it if you keep reminding me every time you open your mouth.
Sage: Then it's your fault.
Me: My fault?!? How is it my fault you refuse to move past all that?
Sage: I am your character. Why don't you tell me?
Me: Well, look at the time. I think it's time to go now. Normally I would thank you for your time, but I know, you had no choice.
Trust me when I say, Sage is so much cuter when he's not being so logical… Or at least I hope so. Eh, I guess I better keep working with Sage about that. Oh, maybe Bryin can help me. I mean, he's pretty illogical! Hm, I think I'm gonna go give that a try. Bye!
Monday, August 5, 2013
I was tagged by Leilani Sunblade, at Dreams and Dragons!
1. If the main villain of your favorite book/movie/TV series showed up on your front doorstep, what would you do? (Explain who it is first...)
Okay, so this one is a hard one as if I like anything, it becomes my favorite. That mean I have a lot of favorites. And I'm also terrible at choosing things... Ahh, I'll just pick... Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Really Fire Lord Ozai is the 'main' villain throughout the series, but I think I'm gonna go with Azula anyways... So, if Azula showed up at my door, I would be extremely freaked out. The word I would use to describe her would be delusional, and not the good, crazy in a fun sort of way delusional. So, if I answered the door to find Azula standing there, I would probably figure out what she wants, while being extremely careful.
2. Now supposing the heroes opposite this villain showed up just after your exchange. What would you do then?
Team Avatar?!? I would probably be so stunned I wouldn't really know what to say! Just to have Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and Suki (depending on the part of the series you come in on...) show up would be possibly one of the best things to happen to me! So truthfully I have no idea how I would react, but I would hope that I would be able to remain calm, cool, and collected, and be able to help them in any way I could.
3. So... moving on, the heroes defeat the villain (with some help from you, of course- whatever it may be. ;) But the next day, you're just walking along, minding your own business, when you suddenly come across the same villain... who is now lying in the dust severely wounded and unconscious. What do you do?
What to do, what to do... I'm thinking that I would help her out, being fairly cautious and skeptically of her of course. I would probably my best to help her out, against my better judgement. But most likely I would be pretty scared while doing it.
4. Now her minions show up and kidnap both you and her and take you to their universe (or version of your universe, whatever it happens to be.) Your reaction?
... Again, I would probably really freaked out, but excited at the same time. I would probably see if I could find some way to escape, and be continually wishing I was a bender as that would make this situation so much easier.
5. Your fantastic heroes have arrived to rescue you- but now you're faced with a choice. The villain, out of gratitude for your earlier help, (assuming you actually did help him when he was wounded) has offered you a chance to travel back to your own universe. However, the heroes warn you not to trust him. The only other way for you to get back home is to travel with the heroes on a long and dangerous journey... and there's no guarantee that you'll survive.
What. Do. You. Do.
I would definitely travel with Team Avatar. One, I would never in a million years pass up the chance to travel with them. And two, I wouldn't ever trust Azula, not unless I see some serious proof that she wasn't evil any more.
And now to do some tagging of my own... In an attempt to not be totally lame and not tag anyone, I will actually tag someone this time. I tag...
Trista Vaporblade:
I think that's all I'm gonna tag, but it's pretty good since I don't think I've really tagged anybody else before... But this was definitely a fun tag!
1. If the main villain of your favorite book/movie/TV series showed up on your front doorstep, what would you do? (Explain who it is first...)
Okay, so this one is a hard one as if I like anything, it becomes my favorite. That mean I have a lot of favorites. And I'm also terrible at choosing things... Ahh, I'll just pick... Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Really Fire Lord Ozai is the 'main' villain throughout the series, but I think I'm gonna go with Azula anyways... So, if Azula showed up at my door, I would be extremely freaked out. The word I would use to describe her would be delusional, and not the good, crazy in a fun sort of way delusional. So, if I answered the door to find Azula standing there, I would probably figure out what she wants, while being extremely careful.
2. Now supposing the heroes opposite this villain showed up just after your exchange. What would you do then?
Team Avatar?!? I would probably be so stunned I wouldn't really know what to say! Just to have Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and Suki (depending on the part of the series you come in on...) show up would be possibly one of the best things to happen to me! So truthfully I have no idea how I would react, but I would hope that I would be able to remain calm, cool, and collected, and be able to help them in any way I could.
3. So... moving on, the heroes defeat the villain (with some help from you, of course- whatever it may be. ;) But the next day, you're just walking along, minding your own business, when you suddenly come across the same villain... who is now lying in the dust severely wounded and unconscious. What do you do?
What to do, what to do... I'm thinking that I would help her out, being fairly cautious and skeptically of her of course. I would probably my best to help her out, against my better judgement. But most likely I would be pretty scared while doing it.
4. Now her minions show up and kidnap both you and her and take you to their universe (or version of your universe, whatever it happens to be.) Your reaction?
... Again, I would probably really freaked out, but excited at the same time. I would probably see if I could find some way to escape, and be continually wishing I was a bender as that would make this situation so much easier.
5. Your fantastic heroes have arrived to rescue you- but now you're faced with a choice. The villain, out of gratitude for your earlier help, (assuming you actually did help him when he was wounded) has offered you a chance to travel back to your own universe. However, the heroes warn you not to trust him. The only other way for you to get back home is to travel with the heroes on a long and dangerous journey... and there's no guarantee that you'll survive.
What. Do. You. Do.
I would definitely travel with Team Avatar. One, I would never in a million years pass up the chance to travel with them. And two, I wouldn't ever trust Azula, not unless I see some serious proof that she wasn't evil any more.
And now to do some tagging of my own... In an attempt to not be totally lame and not tag anyone, I will actually tag someone this time. I tag...
Trista Vaporblade:
I think that's all I'm gonna tag, but it's pretty good since I don't think I've really tagged anybody else before... But this was definitely a fun tag!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Bryin on Authors
Hey, this is Bryin! I just now realized how long it's been since I've hacked my author's blog. I guess I've been so busy being written about that I haven't had time to cause trouble! That's just sad... So now that I'm here... Now that I'm here... Ugh! Why is it that every time I start thinking of doing something like this, I have all these great ideas of things to post, but when I actually start posting I forget everything! I think I'll blame my author for that. Not because I have an actual reason as to why it's her fault, but because pretty much everything that happens to me is her fault. She is an evil mastermind, and I don't think she deserves to have the freedom to write books any longer! I say, we join together and ban her from creating anymore stories! I don't want to like, erase all the books she has already written, of course. That would mean erasing me, and I'm not prepared to do that. But I would like to stop future character from suffering at her hand. I think you can all agree with me that my author is cruel and must be stopped... Or maybe I should stop, as it just dawned on me that if it was at all possible for me to ban her from writing stories, she would probably erase me anyways...
You know something? Normal people don't have the same worries that book characters do. Not just the worries that come from their books, like that fact that their lives are most likely in danger most of the time, depending on what book they come from. But also the fact that when they're not being written about and they do something their author doesn't like, their author could just erase them from existence, or kill them off in some horrible way, or make everyone they've ever cared about suffer... Did it occur to anyone how evil authors are? They create all of these plots and schemes for their characters to sort though just for their own pleasure. I am against all authors from this point on. Most of you probably don't understand considering you're not book characters, but whatever.
And another thing about authors. Is it just my author, or are all authors extreme stalkers? It's creepy enough that I was created in my author's head, but to have her watching me all the time, following me everywhere I go, and writing everything that happens down in that notebook of her's... I find that disturbing. Now if only I could get a restraining order... Except I don't know how well that would work out for her because I'm sort of in her head all the time...
And not only all of this other stuff, but my author is delusional! And she drinks too much coffee. Even if she just thinks about writing, she'll make herself some. It's gross! Coffee is one of the most disgusting things ever! I would understand if it was tea loaded with sugar, but coffee? Why do people even like that stuff? I think that fact that people drink coffee is even crazier than I am...
Um, I think I got off topic there. That happens a lot, doesn't it. But, hey! I stayed on the right topic a lot longer than I usually do! Maybe I'm getting better at this... Ha, ha, ha! That's a funny idea. I'm never going to get better at not being random. And I won't ever stop rambling either. Just the fact that I'm still talking proves that. But it's not really my fault. Usually my author stops me by now... Hm... I expected her to pop in. Most of the time she does when I mention her. Yay! I have officially hacked this blog without being discovered! Boy, am I in trouble when she finds out. I think I'm gonna go hide now. Bye!
You know something? Normal people don't have the same worries that book characters do. Not just the worries that come from their books, like that fact that their lives are most likely in danger most of the time, depending on what book they come from. But also the fact that when they're not being written about and they do something their author doesn't like, their author could just erase them from existence, or kill them off in some horrible way, or make everyone they've ever cared about suffer... Did it occur to anyone how evil authors are? They create all of these plots and schemes for their characters to sort though just for their own pleasure. I am against all authors from this point on. Most of you probably don't understand considering you're not book characters, but whatever.
And another thing about authors. Is it just my author, or are all authors extreme stalkers? It's creepy enough that I was created in my author's head, but to have her watching me all the time, following me everywhere I go, and writing everything that happens down in that notebook of her's... I find that disturbing. Now if only I could get a restraining order... Except I don't know how well that would work out for her because I'm sort of in her head all the time...
And not only all of this other stuff, but my author is delusional! And she drinks too much coffee. Even if she just thinks about writing, she'll make herself some. It's gross! Coffee is one of the most disgusting things ever! I would understand if it was tea loaded with sugar, but coffee? Why do people even like that stuff? I think that fact that people drink coffee is even crazier than I am...
Um, I think I got off topic there. That happens a lot, doesn't it. But, hey! I stayed on the right topic a lot longer than I usually do! Maybe I'm getting better at this... Ha, ha, ha! That's a funny idea. I'm never going to get better at not being random. And I won't ever stop rambling either. Just the fact that I'm still talking proves that. But it's not really my fault. Usually my author stops me by now... Hm... I expected her to pop in. Most of the time she does when I mention her. Yay! I have officially hacked this blog without being discovered! Boy, am I in trouble when she finds out. I think I'm gonna go hide now. Bye!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
World of Panin Television
Hey guys! Today I decided to post another short story which is similar to Bryin's Facebook. This one has different episodes, so here is episode one. Enjoy!
day Bryin was bored. He was bored a lot, but this particular day Bryin
decided he would experiment with Takfin. Here's what happened that day...
was talking with Takfin about random things that were running through his head
something he liked to do when he was bored.
And then, what if the stalker guy turned out
to be the boy's father, but then-
Takfin interrupted Bryin's thought, what
does this have to do with anything?
Well, he explained, I was just thinking how that would make a great soap opera! I never
actually watched one, but I could imagine that story line for one.
A soap opera? Takfin sighed. Now that you're in Panin, is all you ever do
is think of Earth things?
shook his head.
Nope. Just when I'm bored, which just so
happens that I'm very bored right now. Bryin tilted his head. You know what? If we were on Earth, I could
just watch TV. I haven't seen a TV show for like… I don't know how long, but
you get the idea.
Do I really get the idea? Takfin asked
Bryin. I'm starting to learn that even
though I can read your mind, I honestly have no idea what is really running
through your head.
That's understandable considering half the
time I have no idea what's going on
in my head. But, currently I do know what I'm thinking so…Takfin would you mind
turning in to a TV? One that works?
figured that if the Taktop could get a Wi-Fi connection, then the Tak-a-vision
could also get a signal of some sort, and hopefully at least a channel of two
would be available. – Hey, guys! This is Bryin! I just wanted to explain the
name again. I know it's terrible, but in my opinion, Tak-a-vision is way better than the Taktop. I—Bryin, do
I even have to say it? For the last time, quit interrupting my, I mean, your story.
back to the story.—Hey, that sounded like a commercial!—Bryin, I thought you
were going away…—Well I can't now! I have to do the commercial! And now a word
from our sponsors, which of course is me, Bryin.
you ever wondered if it was at all possible to combine all your favorite things
that you love to carry around with you into one object? I'm here to tell you
that it is possible! It's called… Takfin! As long as you know the magic words,
Takfin can transform into any inanimate object you can think of! With Takfin
you can get rid of clutter, and you will no longer have your hands full! If you
think that's great, just wait to hear what I
have to say next. Not only will Takfin be able to replace most of your
everyday things and merge them into one easy and convenient location, but
taking a vacation will also become a snap! With Takfin you don't need to purchase
tickets or plan ahead. All you do is tell Takfin which exotic and amazing new
dimension you would like to visit and you'll be there! But wait! If you order
in the next ten minutes, we'll send you a note saying that there is only one
Takfin and I (Bryin) am not going to
give it to you! So if you want an autographed note, signed by me, order now!
They're only 4.99! To order call—Bryin! I really can't believe you right now.
Can I just please now on?—Fine, but I know I have fans out there who want an
autograph and if that is the case, all they have to do is ask! And now back to
the show!—I… I have no idea what to say about all this. I guess it's best if I
move on.
Bryin had requested, Takfin transformed in to a TV set. The screen was a sixty
inch flat-screen, high definition, 3-D TV. In other words, it was pretty fancy
and high-tech.
grabbed a remote that came with it, and powered on the television. Bryin had found
that Takfin could transform into multiple parts, like the separate TV screen and
the remote, but if Bryin were to somehow lose a part of Takfin, she wouldn't be
able to work. That's why, as Bryin turned on the TV, Takfin made sure to give
Bryin a long lecture on the whole thing.
the screen flickered on, Bryin went to the guide and was amazed with what he
found. There were literally thousands, and thousands of channels available to
view. While that in itself was weird,
something else that was odd was the fact that Bryin didn't recognize
any of the channels. They all seemed
slightly foreign to him.
Bryin turned on one, just to see what it was about. Unfortunately, it was on a
commercial, and before you say anything Bryin, you know as well as I do it had
nothing to do with your 'commercial'. While it was unfortunate that a
commercial was on, it was also, for Bryin, a really great thing! On the TV
screen was a man, dressed in a sparkly, green suit.
you ever dreamed of being on TV?" The green suit guy was asking.
"Well, if your answer was yes, then I have great news for you! The IGSS channel is giving anybody and
everybody a chance to be a star! All you have to do is call the number on the
screen and tell us about your life. Then after reviewing all the calls, we'll
chose one lucky person to make their life into a reality TV show. If you think
you have an interesting life, give us a call! The next TV star of the galaxy
could be you!"
that was said, another, less exciting and not as interesting commercial came
on. Bryin grinned with excitement. He was bored and currently had nothing
better to do, so he decided to call in to the TV station. His life, when it
wasn't boring, was full of action and drama, there was absolutely no way he
wouldn't get the show.
had Takfin transform into a phone, which Bryin told himself he'd name later,
and dialed the number. After a few rings, someone answered.
you have called in to the Make My Life a Reality Show Contest. Please state your
name, planet, and then tell me a little bit about your life."
ok." Bryin said hesitantly. "Well, my name is Bryin Orcaltif, my…Planet?
Wait are you saying that there are aliens in this dimension?"
Said the female voice. "I haven't heard that term used in this dimension
before. My cousin tells me that the Earthlings use it to describe us though. I
think it's offensive."
well… Sorry about that. I just don't know what else to call you… Anyways, my
planet is Panin, I think. And a little bit about my life… Hmm, well let's start
from when I left Earth."
told the not-alien about how he grew up on Earth, found Takfin, was transported
to Panin after being kidnapped by Vatan, and all the other crazy things that
had happened up until that point.
wow." Said the female voice. "That is pretty interesting! I'll make sure to show this story to my
employers. Good luck, Bryin!" And with that she hung up to move on to
other calls.
waited for weeks after this to get a response, every once in awhile checking
Tak-a-vision to see if there was any sign of who won. After a while Bryin just
figured he hadn't won, which almost surprised him, but he didn't really mind
too much. He just figured that there was plenty more things to do with Takfin,
and he didn't need an alien TV show about him to keep himself occupied. And so with that, Bryin forgot all
about the Tak-a-vision, and the aliens.
there!" Said a man wearing a green sparkling suit. He spoke with a huge
fake grin into a camera directly in front of him. "I'm Herrick, and I'm
here to announce the winner of the Make
My Life a Reality Show Contest! We chose a very special person to star in our
new show. He is from one of the only planets that we know almost nothing about.
Unlike us, Panin is not technologically advanced, and seem to be in a medieval
time period. We thought it would be a great idea to take you into the World of
Panin, and join Bryin Orcaltif as he tries to adjust to life there! Just so you
viewers know that none of this is fake, Bryin has no idea about this. So, I
hope in the coming days as we air our first episode, you enjoy it as much as we
already are! So don't forget to join us for World of Panin Television!"
Monday, July 8, 2013
Bryin's Facebook
Hey guys! It's been awhile since my last post like... a few months at least! I have been meaning to start posting things again, but I left for a month so I didn't get the chance until now. The good news with me leaving is now that I'm back, I actually have things to post! So here is a random short story that I wrote. Hope you like it!
One day Bryin was bored. He was bored a lot, but this particular day Bryin decided he would experiment with Takfin. Here's what happened that day...
One day Bryin was bored. He was bored a lot, but this particular day Bryin decided he would experiment with Takfin. Here's what happened that day...
Bryin had grown up on Earth. He had grown accustom to
all the technology, and things that Panin just didn't have. So, bored out of
his mind, Bryin tried to see if he could bring a little piece of Earth to Panin.
Takfin, what
sort of things can you change into? Bryin
thought mentally to the magical dagger that was in the form of a ring at that
I can change
into almost any inanimate object there is. Takfin replied.
Bryin tapped his chin.
"Takfin could you please turn into a laptop."
As soon as Bryin's request had left his mouth, the
ring on his finger disappeared in a flash of light and was replaced with a
highly advanced laptop. The design was sleek. The shell of the laptop was blue
with flecks of gold. It was a pretty cool looking computer.
Doubting he could do anything other than play boring
card games, Bryin pressed the small power button. The screen blinked on. Bryin
was almost surprise when the laptop only took a few seconds to boot up
completely, and soon he was staring at the home screen. He started searching
the computer. There were a ton of icons, most of which he had no idea what they
were or what they would take him to. Out of curiosity Bryin pressed one or two
of the strange icons, but I won't get into what they did, because that's a
completely different story.
After playing around on the Taktop as Bryin started
calling it-- On that note, hello, this is Bryin! I just wanted to explain the
horrible name. It was either lapfin or Taktop, I went with the last one
because-- Bryin! Would you quit interrupting my story-- Well actually it's my
story, you know because it's about me-- Bryin, I'm serious. Cut it out!
Now, where was I? Oh yes. After playing around on the
Taktop, he found a very familiar icon. The Internet icon. He knew it was a long
shot as he didn't have an Internet connection, but he clicked on it anyways.
Bryin was once again surprised when it connected and he was online.
"How the heck am I connected to Wi-Fi on
Panin?" Bryin asked nobody in particular. Bryin shook his head and entered
an address in the URL bar.
Normally on Earth Bryin avoided sites like this one.
But he was so bored he decided to mess around and get his very first Facebook.
Bryin entered his name, email address, age, and
birthday. Then, after coming up with a terribly lame password, Bryin was
finally on his Facebook. Not really knowing what else to do, Bryin started to
type up a post.
Hey, guess
what? I just got a facebook! Well I guess that's obvious since I'm writing
this, but... Where am I going with this? And.... Who am I writing this to?
stopped typing and published his post. Then he frowned. He had no Facebook
friends so that post had only been seen by him. That meant he was talking to
himself, and although that was weird, he had no problem with it. In fact he
started commenting on his own post.
You have a
facebook? Wow Bryin that's so cool! I just got mine today too!
Well, I would say that was a coincidence, Bryin, but seeing as we are the same person, it's not really.
Well, I would say that was a coincidence, Bryin, but seeing as we are the same person, it's not really.
That is so true! :D
Bryin looked at the comments and sighed. This was
going nowhere. With a big grin, Bryin came up with a great idea.
He logged out of his Facebook, typed in a few things
and was logged into a whole new Facebook.
Signed in on the new Facebook, he search Bryin
Orcaltif, and asked to be his friend. From there he logged out and signed in
under his account again to accept the friend request. He did this multiple
times until he had about nine friends.
Bryin, did
you really just talk to yourself off of Facebook? Commented Bryin from an account he had created for
Of course I
did. Came Bryin's reply.
Do you
realize how insane you are? Commented
Yes, yes I
do. Bryin responded.
Then Bryin received a notification that someone had
posted on his wall.
Bryin, Read Darvel's post, I just wanted to let you know
how much I love you! <3
Darvel also commented on his own post.
Bryin! I
can't believe you hacked my Facebook account, which was created by you in the
first place! You know I would never say anything like that to you because
you're a complete idiot and I hate you!
Bryin commented back.
Darvel, let's
not fight on Facebook. That's so inappropriate and plus, I know deep, deep,
deep, deep, deep, deep.... Wait where was I going with that? Ah, oh well.
Boys, you
both need to be nice to each other,
Said Alecia.
Yes, agreed Nalfen. And
Bryin's right. There's no need to fight.
Bryin was in the process of beginning a new post,
Bryin received another notification about an invitation. It said:
Hey, Bryin you've been invited to an event by Vatan
called Vatan's Birthday Celebration.
Clicking on it, Bryin read the description. You are
here by invited to my birthday party! There will be music, games, oh and don't
forget to bring a present! I would love it if someone gave Takfin to me as a
gift! So please, come and join me in celebrating my birthday! Oh, and this is
definitely NOT a plot to get Takfin!
Bryin of course politely told Vatan he couldn't make
it that day.
The next thing Bryin did was he went and poked all of
his friends. Most didn't poke him back and all the others complained about it
and told him to stop.
After that Bryin made a group called the World of
Panin. He was in the middle of inviting people on to his group when he received
another notification. This one was different though. All the other
notifications had been expected. This had come out of nowhere.
The notification was about a friend request. Bryin
hadn't made any other accounts and sent himself a friend request, so of course
he accepted his first real friend.
Then he went back to creating his group, adding people
to his group, and trying to think of random things to post in his group. His
real Facebook friend had been added to The World of Panin and had seen Bryin's
first post there.
Hello, and
welcome to my group The World of Panin. Here I will post random things about my
life on Panin. I hope you enjoy the group!
The real Facebook friend commented by saying: Bryin, what do you think you're doing? I
already have a group called the World of Panin. And another thing, how did you
even get a Facebook on Panin? Oh, never mind. Of course Takfin helped you.
do you know who I am? Bryin
well I only created you out of thin air!] I replied. [I'm your author, how
could you not know who I am?
Bryin moved to reply when someone came up behind him
and tapped his shoulder.
"Bryin, what are you doing?" Quest asked,
glancing suspiciously at the Taktop.
Bryin asked Takfin to change into a ring and smiled at
"Heh, heh. I wasn't doing anything."
"I really don't believe you." Quest said
shaking his head. "But I'm almost afraid of what you would tell me if I
pressed any harder."
Bryin grinned.
"Yeah, you're probably right to be afraid. One
reason is you have no idea what a laptop is, do you?"
"A what?" Quest asked.
Bryin's grin grew larger.
"A laptop! It's a magical item from Earth! Come
over here and I'll work my Earth magic for you!"
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
More about me!
Ok, so I have been tagged twice more, once by Scarlet Raptor on his blog, and Leilani Sunblade on her blog. So I guess I have to come up twenty randoms facts about myself. Here it goes!
1. My favorite color is green!
2. I am female.
3. I wear glasses.
4. My least favorite color is pink.
5. I've always wanted to live in a forest of some sort.
6. I am the second oldest among my siblings.
7. I can sort of play the guitar.
8. When I was in 6th grade, I was in public school and I played the tuba.
9. I have been homeschooled for... 4 years now.
10. I love to act, and once played a male role in a musical because there weren't enough guys... It was awesome because on the last performance I got to wear a mustache!
11. I love mustaches!
12. I love metallic colors... and metallic silver sharpies!
13. I have long brown hair.
14. I usually have my hair braided.
15. My initials are C. J. W.
16. Most of my book characters are male.
17. I'm about half way through the second book in my series the World of Panin. I think I'm calling it Saving the Mathif.
18. My least favorite character out of Quest, Bryin, and Dawn, is Dawn. I'm not really sure why.
19. I like the letter C better than the letter K.
20. One of my favorite things to watch is Avatar The Last Airbender.
Ok, so now I'm supposed to tag people.... Ehh I'm terrible at this part! It's pretty much the same for the last tag. Thanks for reading!
1. My favorite color is green!
2. I am female.
3. I wear glasses.
4. My least favorite color is pink.
5. I've always wanted to live in a forest of some sort.
6. I am the second oldest among my siblings.
7. I can sort of play the guitar.
8. When I was in 6th grade, I was in public school and I played the tuba.
9. I have been homeschooled for... 4 years now.
10. I love to act, and once played a male role in a musical because there weren't enough guys... It was awesome because on the last performance I got to wear a mustache!
11. I love mustaches!
12. I love metallic colors... and metallic silver sharpies!
13. I have long brown hair.
14. I usually have my hair braided.
15. My initials are C. J. W.
16. Most of my book characters are male.
17. I'm about half way through the second book in my series the World of Panin. I think I'm calling it Saving the Mathif.
18. My least favorite character out of Quest, Bryin, and Dawn, is Dawn. I'm not really sure why.
19. I like the letter C better than the letter K.
20. One of my favorite things to watch is Avatar The Last Airbender.
Ok, so now I'm supposed to tag people.... Ehh I'm terrible at this part! It's pretty much the same for the last tag. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A little bit about me!
Ok, so I was tagged by Gwingyth Thunderblade on his blog the Dusted Scrolls. I have to list ten random facts about myself then tag 10 other people.
Here are the ten facts:
1. If I am not writing, or arguing with Bryin, you might find me on the UG, singing, reading, acting crazy, posting something on my blog, watching a movie, acting crazy... I already said that one didn't I? Well, if you must know, I based Bryin off of myself. Of course he's not exactly like me, he just matches me in my insanity! I think I should move on...
2. I like coffee! A glass of iced coffee is one of my favorite things... In fact I should go have some now!
3. I prefer inside to outside.
4. I like to play LEGO video games. My favorite so far is LEGO LoTR, but I also have LEGO Indiana Jones, Starwars, and Pirates of the Caribbean. I like other video games too, but those are some of my favorites.
5. I am not a morning person, unless of course it's like really, really early in the morning when most people are asleep. But, there are a few rare days (less than that even) when I wake up, the house is quiet and nobody else is up, that I could consider myself a morning person. Other than that, I'm a night owl.
6. I am a major procrastinator. A lot of times, if there is something that can get done at a later date, or right at the last minute, that's when I'll chose to take care of it. The only problem with that is I get distracted and then I forget to do what I was procrastinating in the first place,
7. My top three favorite movies are How to Train Your Dragon, Tangled, and Sorcerer's Apprentice.
8. My two favorite authors are Rick Riordan, and John Flanagan.
9. My favorite bands are Thousand Foot Krutch, Hawk Nelson, and Theocracy.
10. My favorite soda is root beer! This fact ins't random because I kind of want some right now...
Now I'm supposed to tag 10 other people.... I really have no idea who to tag. I'm terrible at this! Maybe I'll come up with people to tag later (There's that procrastination!), or maybe not. If you're reading this and want to do it then you can be who I tag. Oh well, I hope you learned a little something about my from all this!
Here are the ten facts:
1. If I am not writing, or arguing with Bryin, you might find me on the UG, singing, reading, acting crazy, posting something on my blog, watching a movie, acting crazy... I already said that one didn't I? Well, if you must know, I based Bryin off of myself. Of course he's not exactly like me, he just matches me in my insanity! I think I should move on...
2. I like coffee! A glass of iced coffee is one of my favorite things... In fact I should go have some now!
3. I prefer inside to outside.
4. I like to play LEGO video games. My favorite so far is LEGO LoTR, but I also have LEGO Indiana Jones, Starwars, and Pirates of the Caribbean. I like other video games too, but those are some of my favorites.
5. I am not a morning person, unless of course it's like really, really early in the morning when most people are asleep. But, there are a few rare days (less than that even) when I wake up, the house is quiet and nobody else is up, that I could consider myself a morning person. Other than that, I'm a night owl.
6. I am a major procrastinator. A lot of times, if there is something that can get done at a later date, or right at the last minute, that's when I'll chose to take care of it. The only problem with that is I get distracted and then I forget to do what I was procrastinating in the first place,
7. My top three favorite movies are How to Train Your Dragon, Tangled, and Sorcerer's Apprentice.
8. My two favorite authors are Rick Riordan, and John Flanagan.
9. My favorite bands are Thousand Foot Krutch, Hawk Nelson, and Theocracy.
10. My favorite soda is root beer! This fact ins't random because I kind of want some right now...
Now I'm supposed to tag 10 other people.... I really have no idea who to tag. I'm terrible at this! Maybe I'll come up with people to tag later (There's that procrastination!), or maybe not. If you're reading this and want to do it then you can be who I tag. Oh well, I hope you learned a little something about my from all this!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Bryin's Randomness!
Hey, it's me Bryin! You should be used to me randomly popping up and hacking this blog, right? So anyways, I just had a random thought, well random to you. My thoughts are always organized and kept in order inside my mind. Just kidding! I doubt anyone could keep that mess in order!
So, here's my thought. What would I do if I were a dictator? I think it would be different depending on whether it or Earth or Panin, or some other dimension I've never heard of.
On Earth, I wouldn't make too many changes. Just a few obvious ones like, I would have a lifetime supply of chocolate and other candy delivered to me each month. Well not a lifetime supply each month, because that would be way more lifetimes than I would ever have. On top of that, I would probably have a mansion made for me, with every kind of room imaginable. Like a video game room, a movie room, a candy room, a... well I think you get the point. So candy, a mansion, and also I think I would like it if there was a city of something named after me! Couldn't you just imagine saying, "Man, I want to visit Bryin so bad!" or, "I grew up in Bryin..." On second thought that actually sounds kind of gross. Never mind that last part.
On Panin, being dictator would be a little different. I would order for a castle to be built in my honor. I would also call for a high defense for that castle. I think there may be a few people who would protest against me being the ruler of all Panin, Quest being one of them. I would probably have high, impenetrable walls, and maybe a moat filled with some sort of dangerous creatures. Then I would set a law against caring any weapons within killing range of me, and that goes for poisons as well.... And anything else that normally isn't consider a weapon, but can still kill people. Uh oh. That's almost anything. Boy is this going to be difficult! I mean even the grass on the ground could be used to kill someone!
Oh well, moving on. If I were a dictator in some other dimension or world that I hadn't heard of, or had never been too, I would magically appear and hope not to die or be severely injured.
Have you ever wondered how many other dimensions or worlds there could be? I'm not sure I ever have until just a few seconds ago. Wow, I also can't believe my author didn't stop me half way through my post! She's really weird. She just randomly starts typing and then acts surprised when one of her characters has started to hack her blog. I mean how could she, of all people not know what her own characters up to? Not only that, but she's got a lot of problems! She's stalked me, and Quest, and Dawn, and every other character that every came out of her mind. I really have no idea-
Hey guys! So today I was thinking about....Bryin! How many times do I have to go through this?
See what I mean? Are all authors this way, or just mine?
Bryin, are you talking about me on my own blog?
Umm, no?
No? I can read Bryin. Sorry about all this guys, Bryin can be....well Bryin, but I guess you guys are starting to figure that out huh? Anyways, I really do think it's time Bryin learned a few things about our Author-Character relationship and that he should think twice before messing with the person who controls most of his situations. Hm, maybe Bryin's right. That did sound a little crazy....Oh well, Bye!
So, here's my thought. What would I do if I were a dictator? I think it would be different depending on whether it or Earth or Panin, or some other dimension I've never heard of.
On Earth, I wouldn't make too many changes. Just a few obvious ones like, I would have a lifetime supply of chocolate and other candy delivered to me each month. Well not a lifetime supply each month, because that would be way more lifetimes than I would ever have. On top of that, I would probably have a mansion made for me, with every kind of room imaginable. Like a video game room, a movie room, a candy room, a... well I think you get the point. So candy, a mansion, and also I think I would like it if there was a city of something named after me! Couldn't you just imagine saying, "Man, I want to visit Bryin so bad!" or, "I grew up in Bryin..." On second thought that actually sounds kind of gross. Never mind that last part.
On Panin, being dictator would be a little different. I would order for a castle to be built in my honor. I would also call for a high defense for that castle. I think there may be a few people who would protest against me being the ruler of all Panin, Quest being one of them. I would probably have high, impenetrable walls, and maybe a moat filled with some sort of dangerous creatures. Then I would set a law against caring any weapons within killing range of me, and that goes for poisons as well.... And anything else that normally isn't consider a weapon, but can still kill people. Uh oh. That's almost anything. Boy is this going to be difficult! I mean even the grass on the ground could be used to kill someone!
Oh well, moving on. If I were a dictator in some other dimension or world that I hadn't heard of, or had never been too, I would magically appear and hope not to die or be severely injured.
Have you ever wondered how many other dimensions or worlds there could be? I'm not sure I ever have until just a few seconds ago. Wow, I also can't believe my author didn't stop me half way through my post! She's really weird. She just randomly starts typing and then acts surprised when one of her characters has started to hack her blog. I mean how could she, of all people not know what her own characters up to? Not only that, but she's got a lot of problems! She's stalked me, and Quest, and Dawn, and every other character that every came out of her mind. I really have no idea-
Hey guys! So today I was thinking about....Bryin! How many times do I have to go through this?
See what I mean? Are all authors this way, or just mine?
Bryin, are you talking about me on my own blog?
Umm, no?
No? I can read Bryin. Sorry about all this guys, Bryin can be....well Bryin, but I guess you guys are starting to figure that out huh? Anyways, I really do think it's time Bryin learned a few things about our Author-Character relationship and that he should think twice before messing with the person who controls most of his situations. Hm, maybe Bryin's right. That did sound a little crazy....Oh well, Bye!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
More on Vatan...
In the last post where Vatan took over, I realized you don't know very much about Vatan. Neither do I. That's why I decided to share with you what I do know, and ask him what I don't.
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black with a brown stripe
Eye color: Almost black
Height: 6 foot
Me: Well, hello Vatan.
Vatan: Why am I here?
Me: Two reasons. One, I asked you to come and talk with me, and two, I'm your author and I can control you if I want to.
Vatan: Authors must be evil then.
Me: We're not here to discuss whether I'm evil or not. I'm not but like I said that's besides the point. Now, let's get to the questions. What is your ultimate goal in life?
Vatan: Isn't it obvious? I hope to create a cure for some incurable disease.
Me: No sarcasm, Vatan.
Vatan: Really, you of all people should know. But if I must explain it to your small brain, I want to gather all four of the magical items of power. Once I collect all of them, I will combine them and eventually rule all of Panin, and possibly a few other dimensions as well.
Me: So basically you want power.
Vatan: If you want to make it sound cliche then yes.
Me: Were you always evil and power hungry?
Vatan: Oh yes. I dreamed as a kid of becoming a dictator of all worlds and dimensions.
Me: Really?
Vatan: No, not really! I'm hardly going to give you any personal insight on my life.
Me: What did I say about sarcasm? Ok, moving on, why do you want power?
Vatan: What person doesn't?
Me: I'm sure there are a few people who don't, but you didn't answer my question.
Vatan: I want to rule. I want power, wealth, and more than anything I want control.
Me: Control? Why do you want control?
Vatan: I don't have to answer all of your stupid questions.
Me: Yes you do, but for my sake, I'll move on. Do you have any friends?
Vatan: No, friends are a useless waste of time. And before you ask, no I don't trust anybody. I've made that mistake more than once, and Nalfen was the last straw.
Me: Ok... so how do feel about-
Vatan: Let me stop you right there. I'm not going to share any of my feelings with you, or anybody else. I'm also done answering these idiotic questions.
Me: Oh, come on. Just a few more?
Me: Well then I guess that's the end of this interview.
I hope this helps to give you more of an idea on Vatan. One of these days I'll see if I can get him to share more with me. Bye!
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black with a brown stripe
Eye color: Almost black
Height: 6 foot
Me: Well, hello Vatan.
Vatan: Why am I here?
Me: Two reasons. One, I asked you to come and talk with me, and two, I'm your author and I can control you if I want to.
Vatan: Authors must be evil then.
Me: We're not here to discuss whether I'm evil or not. I'm not but like I said that's besides the point. Now, let's get to the questions. What is your ultimate goal in life?
Vatan: Isn't it obvious? I hope to create a cure for some incurable disease.
Me: No sarcasm, Vatan.
Vatan: Really, you of all people should know. But if I must explain it to your small brain, I want to gather all four of the magical items of power. Once I collect all of them, I will combine them and eventually rule all of Panin, and possibly a few other dimensions as well.
Me: So basically you want power.
Vatan: If you want to make it sound cliche then yes.
Me: Were you always evil and power hungry?
Vatan: Oh yes. I dreamed as a kid of becoming a dictator of all worlds and dimensions.
Me: Really?
Vatan: No, not really! I'm hardly going to give you any personal insight on my life.
Me: What did I say about sarcasm? Ok, moving on, why do you want power?
Vatan: What person doesn't?
Me: I'm sure there are a few people who don't, but you didn't answer my question.
Vatan: I want to rule. I want power, wealth, and more than anything I want control.
Me: Control? Why do you want control?
Vatan: I don't have to answer all of your stupid questions.
Me: Yes you do, but for my sake, I'll move on. Do you have any friends?
Vatan: No, friends are a useless waste of time. And before you ask, no I don't trust anybody. I've made that mistake more than once, and Nalfen was the last straw.
Me: Ok... so how do feel about-
Vatan: Let me stop you right there. I'm not going to share any of my feelings with you, or anybody else. I'm also done answering these idiotic questions.
Me: Oh, come on. Just a few more?
Me: Well then I guess that's the end of this interview.
I hope this helps to give you more of an idea on Vatan. One of these days I'll see if I can get him to share more with me. Bye!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Vatan Has Taken Over!
Mwahahaha! I can't believe I didn't think of this before! And what a better day to do this on. So perhaps I should explain a few things. One welcome to Vatan's Blog of Evilness...No that's stupid. How about Vatan's Blog of Evil Schemes? Ah, that won't work either. Ugh! Why do I even care about the name? The only thing that matters is that I'm Vatan, and this is now my blog.
Now the second thing. This is no longer a place where you can...oh what was this blog used for. That's right. You can no longer come here to learn about Panin. But if you wish to know how to take over Panin, this will be the place to do it. Wait! Hold on, I didn't really mean that. I'm the only one allowed to take over Panin. If you want to take over some other dimension, then be my guest. Oh and Earth is off limits too.
Ok, now that all that is settled-
Hey guys! Today is the special day! Um, what's all that? Oh boy, I never thought Vatan would hack me as well.
You, Author, are very right to say this is a special day! This is the day you are no longer in control! Now that I'm here I can just go back and erase that little brat Bryin from all your writings! Now his birthday can become his no-longer-existing day!
Vatan, you do realize I can erase you if I really wanted to. And besides, what is the whole point of this? What are you going to do? Change my blog so that you can share all your evil plots with all the other crazy people out there? Besides I'm sure enough people will have something to say on the matter of you not deleting Bryin.
Ha ha! And who would that be? Never mind. I don't really care, but you are in my way. I shall have to get rid of you.
Mmmhmm, right. You're going to get rid of me. Get back inside my head Vatan, or I'll lock you in the closet.
That's idiotic to think you have power over me! I'm Vatan, conqueror of worlds....Wait what's that? Is eraser?
I did warn you didn't I?
Fine, you may have won this time, but I WILL have my revenge on Bryin, and now you for that matter.
Good luck with that. Now where was I?
You were telling everyone how great this day was because...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Bryin....I just got rid of Vatan, do I really need to threaten you too?
Nope, just thought I would help you out a bit. So what'd you get me?
Bryin, I'm trying to do this blog post, I haven't had time to put something together yet.
You mean to tell me that you've been posting about my birthday for a week now and you don't have anything for me? You are the worst Author ever.
Bryin, trust me, I could be worse, and I procrastinated, ok? Look just ask me for something and I'll see what I can do.
Or...I have an idea, don't go to the trouble of getting me anything, you already have done so much just by being distracted- er I mean by creating this blog post. Bye to all of my adoring fans!
Bryin, I already told you this is not your fan club! Hmm I wonder what all that was about. I should probably go check on him so I can't blog for much longer. Anyways, here's what I have been trying to say. Happy Birthday Bryin! Wow, that would have been a short post if Vatan and Bryin hadn't come along. Oh well, that 's all I really had to say. Bye!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Words About Bryin!
This will be my last blog post before Bryin's birthday, so I just wanted to let a few of my characters say a few words about Bryin.
Quest: Bryin is Bryin. There's not much else I can say about him, except for nobody could possibly understand him but himself.
Dawn: Didn't I already say a few words on Bryin? Oh well, Bryin is irritating, impulsive, and needs to be smarter with his decisions.
Alecia: My little boy is growing up. I can't believe how big he's gotten. I love him so much, and I can already see how much he is like me, and his father. Happy birthday Bryin, I hope your special day is...well...special.
Vatan: I. Want. Him. Dead. What better day to do it than on his birthday.
Wow, I have no idea why I even asked him to say anything. And I really thought this would be longer. Ah, well I guess I should say a few things about Bryin.
Me: Bryin is one of my favorite characters! He's so much fun to mess around with, and I can do so much more with him then I can with any of my other characters. I must confess though, diving into Bryin's mind comes at a price. Each time I become myself again, I find I'm more and more crazy each time! I'm almost positive Bryin will get a big head from all this, and I'll never hear the end of it, but that pretty much sums Bryin up.
Bryin: What can I say about Bryin? Well, he's brilliant, good looking, is a guy with many talents. I could do this all day the list goes on and on. Bryin is one of a kind.
I'm shaking my head right now. I really can't believe Bryin even thought about hacking this post. I don't think he'll ever learn. Not anytime soon anyways. Bye!
Aww, but I didn't even get to finish talking about myself.
I'm ordering you to stay on my blog!
Shoot, I guess I better go. Bye.
Yay! I think I finally mastered Bryin! We'll see how long this lasts. Wish me luck!
Quest: Bryin is Bryin. There's not much else I can say about him, except for nobody could possibly understand him but himself.
Dawn: Didn't I already say a few words on Bryin? Oh well, Bryin is irritating, impulsive, and needs to be smarter with his decisions.
Alecia: My little boy is growing up. I can't believe how big he's gotten. I love him so much, and I can already see how much he is like me, and his father. Happy birthday Bryin, I hope your special day is...well...special.
Vatan: I. Want. Him. Dead. What better day to do it than on his birthday.
Wow, I have no idea why I even asked him to say anything. And I really thought this would be longer. Ah, well I guess I should say a few things about Bryin.
Me: Bryin is one of my favorite characters! He's so much fun to mess around with, and I can do so much more with him then I can with any of my other characters. I must confess though, diving into Bryin's mind comes at a price. Each time I become myself again, I find I'm more and more crazy each time! I'm almost positive Bryin will get a big head from all this, and I'll never hear the end of it, but that pretty much sums Bryin up.
Bryin: What can I say about Bryin? Well, he's brilliant, good looking, is a guy with many talents. I could do this all day the list goes on and on. Bryin is one of a kind.
I'm shaking my head right now. I really can't believe Bryin even thought about hacking this post. I don't think he'll ever learn. Not anytime soon anyways. Bye!
Aww, but I didn't even get to finish talking about myself.
I'm ordering you to stay on my blog!
Shoot, I guess I better go. Bye.
Yay! I think I finally mastered Bryin! We'll see how long this lasts. Wish me luck!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Bryin's Blog!
Hello, this is Bryin! I'm actually on here with permission today! It's odd, I know, but my author says she wanted to give you guy a look into how I think. Me, I personally think you guys don't really want to see what runs though my head. It's some crazy stuff (or at least that what I want you to think!) Anyways, I'm supposed to do this blog post. I really don't know where I'm going with all this though. Hold on I need a moment to think................................................................. Still thinking ............ Ah I know!
I could tell you about the time I escaped from a dungeon! I can't tell you how or what exactly happened, but what I can say is that guard never looked better! Hmmm, maybe I should tell you something I can actually go into details with. Although if I get into details I might never stop talking. I can never really explain one thing with out explaining about a hundred other things and by then my mind has already moved on to five other things.
Where was I going with this? See it's started already.
Hey, did you guys know I'm impulsive? I'm impulsively telling you this as we speak. Well technically we're not speaking, I am. And actually I'm not speaking I'm typing. Well I'm not typing, my author's actually typing this out for me. That's really weird to think about. Like my thoughts are running through her head.......This author character relationship just got weirder. To think she been stalking me since day one of my story.
Oops, did I just start rambling? Sorry about that, but I did warn you, didn't I? Does my author really want me to write this post? I mean I could traumatize all you with my weirdness. Yeah, I know, I'm not a weird as I'm trying to make myself seem, but maybe if you spent a whole day with me, I could change your mind! Here's a little secret, the fastest way to make yourself seem crazy is to start talking with yourself! Have you ever tried that? Here let me show you an example.
Bryin: Hey Bryin, how's it going?
Bryin: It's going great Bryin! What about you?
Bryin: Ah, well it all good on this side!
Bryin: What are you up to Bryin?
Bryin: Oh, silly Bryin, you should know that already. I'm blogging!
Bryin: I know I just couldn't think of any thing else to talk about.
Bryin: I know that. I am in your head of course.
Bryin: Yes, I know that.
Are you guys still reading this? If you are, is that because you're amused? Or does this just interest you? Or are you-
Ok, Bryin that's quite enough. Sorry this is me again. I really didn't expect for all that to happen up there. Actually, I'm not really sure what I expected to happen by letting Bryin do this. What was I thinking? Well, this might be the last time I let him take over my blog with permission. Ever.
Oh, come on! This blog should be called Bryin's Blog all the time!
Bryin! Ugh, I have to go take care of him, Bye!
I could tell you about the time I escaped from a dungeon! I can't tell you how or what exactly happened, but what I can say is that guard never looked better! Hmmm, maybe I should tell you something I can actually go into details with. Although if I get into details I might never stop talking. I can never really explain one thing with out explaining about a hundred other things and by then my mind has already moved on to five other things.
Where was I going with this? See it's started already.
Hey, did you guys know I'm impulsive? I'm impulsively telling you this as we speak. Well technically we're not speaking, I am. And actually I'm not speaking I'm typing. Well I'm not typing, my author's actually typing this out for me. That's really weird to think about. Like my thoughts are running through her head.......This author character relationship just got weirder. To think she been stalking me since day one of my story.
Oops, did I just start rambling? Sorry about that, but I did warn you, didn't I? Does my author really want me to write this post? I mean I could traumatize all you with my weirdness. Yeah, I know, I'm not a weird as I'm trying to make myself seem, but maybe if you spent a whole day with me, I could change your mind! Here's a little secret, the fastest way to make yourself seem crazy is to start talking with yourself! Have you ever tried that? Here let me show you an example.
Bryin: Hey Bryin, how's it going?
Bryin: It's going great Bryin! What about you?
Bryin: Ah, well it all good on this side!
Bryin: What are you up to Bryin?
Bryin: Oh, silly Bryin, you should know that already. I'm blogging!
Bryin: I know I just couldn't think of any thing else to talk about.
Bryin: I know that. I am in your head of course.
Bryin: Yes, I know that.
Are you guys still reading this? If you are, is that because you're amused? Or does this just interest you? Or are you-
Ok, Bryin that's quite enough. Sorry this is me again. I really didn't expect for all that to happen up there. Actually, I'm not really sure what I expected to happen by letting Bryin do this. What was I thinking? Well, this might be the last time I let him take over my blog with permission. Ever.
Oh, come on! This blog should be called Bryin's Blog all the time!
Bryin! Ugh, I have to go take care of him, Bye!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Histories of Panin
Here's a little something of Bryin's that I found. It's poorly written, makes no sense, and is just plain weird. Enjoy.
The Histories of Panin
Bryin Orcaltif
I have
been commanded to write out a report on The Histories of Panin. Clearly
somebody has no idea as to how I operate. So I have decided to humor the one
who will not be named, and write something.
Histories of Panin is a book. It has many pages. It's pages are parchment………
what's the difference between parchment, and Earth paper? I've never thought
about it. There's a whole lot of things I never thought about, like what would
happen if someone was allergic to air? Could you develop an allergy to air? Ok,
I know what it looks like, but I'm not obsessed with air. I mean I just said I
never thought about it.
wonder though, what would happen if I started stalking someone. That probably
sounds random to you, but I was just thinking about Earth, and that led my mind
to the stocks…. Who am I kidding, it was a random thought!
wonder if Quest would kill me if I tried to pull a prank on him. I would list
all my brilliant schemes, but who ever reads this may try and stop me, which I
can't afford. Plus I don't have any ideas right at this moment. Hmm, what can I afford?
Ok, so
I was reading this book once, when I discovered it wasn't a book. That sound so
incredibly stupid, doesn't it? Well that's good because that never actually
long was this report supposed to be? Why am I even writing this? Where are all
these questions coming from?
that is what happened on the day I died. Thank you for reading this. Don't
bother grading this, I know I failed.
Hey what's that on the paper there?
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